"D" Galleries

Hello, my name is Tim and I collect Detective Conan and Sailor Moon cels especially from the early episodes of both series. 🙂
Anime cels from Gatchaman, Nightwalker and Disney lithographs.
This is a collection mostly geared towards batman tas and batman beyond, although I do have many other sections like dragonball and others, my main focus is batman, so go ahead and check out dfunksaddiction
Welcome to my small Escaflowne cel gallery. First cel introduced to my collection. Dilandau cels to be the main majority of cels posted. Please check out my wish list to see if you have any cels that I may be interested in buying.
A cel gallery that focuses mostly on Hunter x Hunter. Other series include Ayashi no Ceres, Sailor Moon, and more.
Golden Boy is da coolest. So check out the cels that I have of, only Golden Boy.
I seek only cellulo of hunter X hunter and gto
Right now just one cel, and gengas of Howdy from Hamtaro! Also settings from Sonic X! Enjoy!
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