Let It Out!What bugs you re this hobby?

I think it's important to point out that some collectors aren't likely to respond to offers if the offer emails go straight to the junk email box or the spam folder (for whatever reason).

Since rubberslug has had a lot of problems with spam emails, it's only reasonable to give the other collector the benefit of the doubt in these situations. It's always possible that they aren't just being a jerk, and there's actually a communication breakdown somewhere.

I mention this because I've missed some offers that apparently ended up being discarded through no fault of my own.
Black Mirror
Jan 20 at 4:47 PM
Doesn't anyone else sweat bullets while they are waiting for their cel package to be delivered, crossing your fingers the whole time that it was packaged correctly?
A peeve of mine is bad/awkward packaging. Luckily I have only had this experience a couple of times and there was no real damage.
Bibble Bibble Cels!
Jul 08 at 1:10 AM
Heres a new one I just encountered.
People who rip images from past popular auctions (as in ended for high yen), produce fancels, and try to pass them off as "sequence mates."

Unfortunately, I've already seen one sell, I feel kinda sorry for the chum who just spent 300 bucks on a fake. >_<
I know a number of DBZ and Ghibli collectorswho have already had this hapen to them. Never thought it would hit close to home.
Hoodies and Raindrops Cel Gallery
Jul 08 at 10:44 AM
@ Shemp: We definitely experienced more than once due to the "spam" mentioned. In fact, just got spammed by Jason (lol) last week. Anyone else experience this too?

@ hyaku: Always sweat bullets b/c we don't buy often so when we do, we really look forward to it arriving safely. Doesn't everyone? =)

@ RS community: Do you entertain offers sent through RS? Or do you just put them on an interested party list? If you do, do you actually contact the person if you end up selling in the future? Not a gripe, just curious what other people are experiencing. Thanks!
Edited Jul 22 at 12:00 PM
M O M O's cels
Jul 22 at 11:59 AM
I reply to most every inquiry, as long as they are polite. I enjoy conversing with other collectors about pieces of mutual interest. Speaking of which, you've got some of my wishlist cels, Mahoro :)

One more thing to add to list of what bugs me about the hobby - constantly being outgunned for cels I want. I know that just the reality, if you can't pony up the $$, you can't get the cel, but that's a depressing problem with collecting from really popular series.
Paint And Plastic
Jul 23 at 11:41 AM
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