Let It Out!What bugs you re this hobby?

I rarely see auctions that don't have auto-extension these days. Still, I always try to watch the auction end if I can, because you never know when someone will bid at the last minute. Plus, all the best auction wars happen in the last two minutes of the auction. ^_^
I still say it's best to put your best effort in rather than complain about it afterwards. Not even dealers/big collectors have unlimited budgets. ~_^
May 24 at 11:07 AM
I just put in my max bid as soon as I see the cel and forget about it. If it goes above, then it goes above. Yeah maybe I end up eating my max bid sometimes but first bid gets it when it goes down to a tie...
Crystal Temple
May 24 at 1:34 PM
on 2017.05.30

@ KahmCelWorld: Wow, what an interesting situation involving the mark up for the Project A-ko cel. So after you contacted ebay user 'urbantreasurehunterjapan' did they reply?

@ treker10: Definitely sympathize with you. A few of our friends 'lost' out buying various artworks to this flipper. Stay vigilant and hopefully you will pick up something because even flippers are not glued to their computers. Good luck!

@ Gelato: What you write makes sense, but it is far easier said than done. If we may act as devil's advocate, what some people feel is this user is deliberately harming the cel community. His 'business practices' exceed what many of us consider normal and even acceptable. Many cel collectors do not have direct connections to artists, dealers, studios and other international sources, so we typically do not mind paying a reasonable markup. So what constitutes a reasonable markup? Depends, but many of us wouldn't mind paying a 20%-40% increase. However, what urbantreasurehunterjapan practices is deliberately buying artwork with the expressed purpose of price gouging cel collectors with markups ranging between 300%+ to 800%+! Sadly, he is not a cel collector and by his own admission he has informed users he feels what is doing, is infact a 'service'. At the end of the day, by discussing urbantreasurehunterjapan's
behavior, it helps other cel collectors and the cel community at large remain informed collectors.

On a related note, we personally watch the endings of each auction we bid on, but the auto-extensions can become ridiculous. The worst experience we had was an extension by three hours! Understandably not everyone has the luxury of accessing a fast internet connection, so they cannot keep bidding in auto-extension wars. But, if given a option of selecting the auction format, we'd prefer no auto-extension that way everyone knows get your highest bid in by the closing bell.

@ sletia: Did not know the first user bids wins on YJP if there is a tie. Have you experienced this before?
Edited May 30 at 6:52 PM
M O M O's cels
May 30 at 6:47 PM
Edited Jun 01 at 12:50 PM
Jun 01 at 12:43 PM
I mean if it's near the end and someone tries to snipe you, if it's the same as your max bid, you'll still win. *shrug*
Crystal Temple
Jun 01 at 4:08 PM
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