Hate to say it...

I agree its easier to critisize than it is to try and understand what the other person means. I feel I helped snowball this with my last post (which I now feel was more a case of bad timing) so I'm going to ask we put it to rest and let peace resume.
The only thing coming soon I dont want to see is more members feeling a need to delist because of this.
If you do feel like doing that - think about it first, think about what was said, what was meant and if it really matters make your own choice.

It's your choice to agree of disagree, it's my choice to think of something different. This is an open forum, a free community, everyone's entitled to opinion. If anyone felt personally attacked by any of the comments on this thread, I hope my apology, as meager as it is, will suffice.
Nov 10 at 9:17 PM
I totally agree with Blackmegabyte, Al & Nic, as well as everybody else. Nobody wants to see anyone take down their galleries because of an issue like this ;_;

Now while I certainly respect everyone's opinions, I know for sure that I'm keeping a "Coming Soon" section. I'm not breaking any rules since all cels posted there are bought an paid for, and it's how I manage my purchases. What works for one person may not work for another. Everyone has their own way of going about this hobby, and this just so happens to be my way ~_^

But I did make sure to alter it's name to "Hidden - Coming Soon" so that anyone would immediatley realize that the section is...well...hidden =P

It would be great to see a feature where "Coming Soon" sections would not affect the frontpage updates, but Jason himself said we won't be seeing one anytime soon. Now he did say that he'll look into a way to "retract" updates with the new stuff he's working on. Beyond that though, I don't know what else can be done.

Here's to hoping that particular feature comes sooner rather than later ^_^ Have a great evening y'all!

- RalphVboy

P.S. and totally off topic Al & Nic, you have a good knack for creating hilarious lists! Good stuff ^_^
Edited Nov 10 at 9:50 PM
RalphVboy's Cel Paradise!
Nov 10 at 9:46 PM
The only thing coming soon I dont want to see is more members feeling a need to delist because of this.[/quote]
Wow, what a nice quote...artisitic...you have a way with words.^^..!

**Now let's view both sides**
*A word for the Pro and Con people*

To the people who feel hurt=People are just expressing their opinions, it would be sad to close a gallery beacuse you don't like their words. We are all unique,we each have our opinions, so just beacuse someone doesn't agree, does not mean they should not be heard...this is when you get CENSORSHIP. Beacause "my feeling are hurt", "they made me sad"...just keep on living. So you STOP your life beacause of negative feedback? Than good luck living, beacuse this will happen all throughout life....

To the People who dislike "coming soon"= Either way your gallery will be knocked off eventualy..

Overall= Let's get along. If a feature comes along that Hiddes "coming soon" than everything will be okay!
AND why don't they make "Coming Soon" visible????

(Oh, and enjoy life, don't be hateful, and don't hate, beacause worse things can happen than having your feeling hurt)
-LLevense bien!
Edited Nov 11 at 12:05 AM
Melody on the Moon
Nov 11 at 12:01 AM
*group hug*

Guys, no offense to anyone who has posted here so far, but I think it might be time to drop this. We all have our own opinions, and it doesn't really look like there's going to be a solution by bickering back and forth.

From what I understand, no one has delisted merely because of this issue. If anyone has delisted his/her gallery, it is because of a build up of a lot of things; we don't know the whole story, so there is no reason to pass judgement on anyone. Plus, there's that dark, scary monster called Real Life--it is always liable to attack without warning.

I think the real issue people (including myself) had with hidden coming soon sections is that when you don't keep one yourself, it makes you feel as if people are updating with nothing just to get on the homepage. I have since learned that this is not the case, so it makes the bumping off the homepage a little easier to swallow. Though there probably are some exceptions, since this is life we're talking about, I find that most cel collectors are honest people who have no ill will towards other collectors and only want to make the community a better place.

On a side note, anytime anyone uses the phrase "knock off" when talking about the galleries, I get mental images of someone coming to murder my cels and start giggling to myself. Am I the only one here with such a twisted sense of humor?

Anyway, I'm sure that you can gather from my previous posts were I stand on this issue, but at the same time, this thread seems at times to be attacking those with coming soon sections. I personally found some stuff offensive, and I don't have one of these sections. I know that if I did, I would be even more offended, even though I realize that the people who posted probably did not mean to offend.

The only thing I ask of people with hidden coming soon sections is to include the word "hidden" in the title. I only ask this because after reading what someone else had to say, I remembered my days of dialup, and how long it took to look at just one gallery, and how frustrating it would be to find that everything new in a gallery is hidden. Believe me, people on dialup usually only look at the new stuff. It simply takes too long to browse through an entire gallery.

So, if we can't agree, can we at least agree to disagree? I'd hate to see more feelings hurt. That's not what RS, or life, is all about. If [i]I[/i] have offended anywhere in this post or previous ones, I am terribly sorry. Feel free to contact me via gallery feedback and we can discuss. ^_^

*more hugs*
Edited Nov 11 at 2:24 AM
klet's Island of Misfit Cels
Nov 11 at 1:35 AM
Wow, how can anyone not leave this thread without a smile on their face, did you see how many hugs you get from Klet!

In the long run, I appreciate all the comments left and the discussion we?ve had, but there?s no use taking everything to heart. Sure hidden ?Coming Soon? sections do annoy me, but not to the extent where I will not visit your gallery or hold a grudge.

This thread was simply a suggestion to Jason on something that he could perhaps work on in the future. As ultimately this could be sorted if hidden items didn?t show up on the update page?.ya see, problem solved. No need for both parties to justify themselves?unless you?re one of the people who posts fake updates, as you won't be too keen on the change. But if that could be done, people could continue on with their Coming Soon sections and others wouldn't get annoyed by hidden updates.

But we shall see what happens, I?m sure as hell not going to lose sleep over it and I suggest others don?t either.
Edited Nov 11 at 7:33 AM
Ronin's Cel Gallery
Nov 11 at 3:20 AM
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