Hate to say it...

But I swear people are updating their galleries with pointless Coming Soons just to put their gallery on the front page...the amount of times I see the same gallery updated per day with just a hidden 'Coming Soon' section is ridiculous.

I work hard for my cels ?and when I do finally update my gallery for everyone to see my new cels, it does get pretty annoying getting it wiped right off from the front page in a matter of a few hours by 3 "Coming Soon" sections with nothing to see!

Hate to complain, but is there any way you can change the programming so updated items that are hidden don't show up...as there really is no point in the gallery being on the front page if there is nothing to actually view and I?m sure there are some people out there who are taking advantage of this issue.

Sorry just my two cents.
Ronin's Cel Gallery
Oct 25 at 12:28 PM
I semi-agree with Ronin on this. I do understand that some people have reasons for keeping their Coming Soon's hidden. (I, for one, keep mine hidden at the moment, so people I'm paying off don't get disgruntled and then think I won't pay them if they see my gallery being updated).

But yea, it is a tad annoying. If someone updates, its nice to be able to see what they've put up. ~_~; I'd really hate to have to start asking people for their gallery password to view their hidden cels just to make the update viewable.

So there are a few sides to this. ^_^

*goes back to munching on ramen and watching the rain fall*
Mirai Peorth
For Love of Roses...
Oct 25 at 2:03 PM
I am with Ronin on this. Why " coming soon" let alone hidden coming soon? I don't think anybody on this site is that obsessed to see someones cels before they receive them. Just wait till you have cels then post them. Trust me we can hang in there. Why the gimmicks? Why are some people trying to invent new ways to be on the front page? It's not like we're cel dealers trying to make a living.
Try these sections on for size:

* "I might buy" section
* "Like it, but can't afford" section
* "Coming but not so soon" section
* "Cels will be here in 19 days, I swear" section
* "Going soon" section
* "Pics of the packaging that the cels arrived in" section
* "The cels that should be here any day now" section.
* "The cels that should have been here already" section
* "Dammit. Where the heck are these cels?" section
* "The cels I sold" section (Oooops! That actually exists, I think)
* "Here is me holding the cels" section
* "Here are my parents holding the cels" section
* " The cels I currently keep in my pants" section
* "Cels I tried using as a condom, hey what do you know, it works!" section
* "Here are my cels on a date with another collectors cels" section
* "Pics of cels paid with credit card" section
* "Pics of cels paid with blood" section
* "Pics of cels paid with "Wham Bam, thank you mam" section
* "Cels I bought on a Monday" section
* "Cels that arrived on a Monday" section
* "Cels I sold on a Monday" section

* "Cels that I bought and sold on the same day" section
* "The times where the cels I bought and sold on the same day happened to be on a monday" section.
* "Cels I purposely bought on a monday" section
* "Cels I bought on tuesday thinking it was monday" section
* "Cels that I would sell if I was short on cash" section
* "Cels I am taking to the grave" section
* "Cels I wouldn't give up at gun point" section.
* "Cels I would kill for" section
* "Cels I have killed for" section
* "Bodies of the people I killed with the correponding cel they tried to take from me" section. (password protected)
* "Cels I took to jail with me" section.
* "Cels that I had to melt and shape into a weapon to protect my ASS in jail" section.
* "Cels that were jammed up my butt after a failed attempt to trade them in for a pack of cigs" section
* "Cels I had to give up after losing the fight and my ..." section

Edited Oct 25 at 6:59 PM
Al and Nic
Al & Nic's Cel Carnival
Oct 25 at 6:27 PM
ROFL!!! XD OMG you're great!!
Mirai Peorth
For Love of Roses...
Oct 25 at 7:11 PM
YES! Now we're talkin'.

Let's see -
* "Cels far too precious for the likes of you to gawk at" section.
* "Cels I've connected an I.V. to in order to suck in the coolness of said character" section.
* "Cels you don't bring home to motha" section.
* "Cels that have no business being in someone else's gallery" section.
* "Cels that you've had made into a set of sheets so that you CAN actually sleep with them" section.
* "Cels whose relationship with you has been nothing but bad, bad, bad... but your determined you can change their evil ways" section.
* "Cels that you just want to stay friends with" section.
* "Cels that could've been a down-payment on a house" section.
* "Cels that make you wonder if you could actually sell your soul to the devil" section.

and finally...
* "Cels that talk to me when I'm all alone...
WHY WON'T THEY STOP??" section.

Oct 26 at 5:32 AM
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