Hate to say it...

I agree with Ronin. I don't mind Coming Soon sections, but more than half that I look at that are updated on the main page are hidden -_-! It's pointless to have it as updated on the main page if no one can see it ^_^'?!

I was starting to think that there has been a BIG overload of Coming Soons popping up. I was beginning to think people WERE doing it just to get gallery attention >.</!

Also, I swear that I've updated my gallery, and some people have re-uploaded their stuff to stay on top of me and others...



Well, dunno if you can do anything Jason, but I've seen too much Coming Soons lately to care about going to peoples galleries anymore when I see them on the main page =(!
Ms. Poe
Ms. Poe
Nov 01 at 2:43 AM
I love to surf the net at night, sadly about 1/4 of the sites I see now at the updated page say *coming soon* so I can't view it at all ;_; Doesn't really make sense to me...for:

Some of the time
1). a cel is added to the comming soon page, than is hidden
2).when it arrives the cel holder wants their site to be shown updated again, so they delete the cel's page in the *coming soon* and remake it in it's respected section...so it will show in coming soon...
Yes or No?
But life will go on ^_^, who hasn't at one time made a coming soon section?
Melody on the Moon
Nov 01 at 3:55 AM
As someone fairly new to Rubberslug I've often wondered about the frankly pointless exercise of 'Coming soon' sections. I am glad I'm not the only one...some people sure seem to have alot of time to waste...
Edited Nov 01 at 10:07 AM
cosmic skiv
Cosmic Skiv's Gallery
Nov 01 at 10:06 AM
Cosmic, when you're excited about a new purchase you can't wait to put it up, so that's why I have a coming soon section.
Crystal Temple
Nov 02 at 6:40 PM
I think more of the frustration being vented here is more about those who have their coming soon sections hidden.

I have a coming soon section in my gallery but I do not have mine hidden. To me it is an easy place to show off my new cels before they get collected by Rinkya and then shipped from Japan which can take up to 2 months or more to get into my hands.

When they arrive I just move the cels into their proper homes while deleting only the scan and rescaning a better pic. I'm lazy, I only want to type in all the info just once. This is only an update and does not show on the front page.

Maybe it's just me but I find it hard to believe that persons that have gallery's on Rubberslug are doing updates just to see their Gallery on the front page or to bump another's off. The reason we have our gallery's here is to share our collections. If my update gets bounced from the front page because others have updated their gallery's I still have my weblog, Chat as well as Beta to let people know of my new additions besides the fact that my update still shows on the recent updated gallery section here on RS.
Ryan's Gallery
Nov 02 at 9:00 PM
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