Rubberslug Forum Users/Readers --report

Did that get your attention?

Since this forum has been established, I've noticed that there are less than 10% of actual gallery users that care to involve themselves with any chatter or involvement here---I don't know the poll stats---. Also, those that have left more than one post in number are substantially less. That means that at least 90% of gallery owners either never come here, lurk, or have no interest to become involved with "the verbals" (if this were Star Trek, more like "tribbles") here on the forum.

Probably because of me =).. my mouth run-amok-eth

But besides my self-indulgence, do you think that there is a better way to get people involved here?

What are your ideas? (Those few of you that actually read this that is =)

Edited Jun 11 at 12:21 AM
Jun 10 at 11:05 PM
I don't know how to get more people in but I know what turns me off - or at least loses my interest - tech talk. I'm lost, I have no idea what some people (noisywalrus I'm lookin' at you) are talking about. I'm not tech savvy and I think that's what I liked about RS, I did't have to know any thing. After a year I still don't know any thing yet my gallery still goes on.... So how to get people into the forum, get them talking? Less tech and more of what we love cels, anime, more cels and more anime.

Just my two cents :3
Oni Hime's Palace of Delights
Jun 10 at 11:44 PM
Hi Birdie,

Thank you for saying that. It makes complete sense. And please continue to remind us.

It probably is a turn off to see all of those techical issues coming up on the forum so often. It is one of the best forms of feedback though, and it has helped to keep those easy to do items even easier. And your feedback now helps to balance out the real reason why we are all here, so keep those coins rolling..pennies, nickles, dimes, quarters...


Jun 11 at 12:19 AM
Sorry. =(

I'm an explainer-bot. I can't help it. None of the things on this site (hopefully) require any knowledge past being able to operate a browser, which is the idea. I try to be pretty keen on making sure things make sense to non-computer people, but I have this lingering feel of technical people feeling like they can't communicate with me either.

That being said, I do have a tendency to assume certain knowledge from certain groups of people. I expect all cel collectors to know who Miyazaki is and be able to name at least a half dozen of his movies, for instance. You can't expect that from the outside world. Not even at your local arthouse cinema.

Heck, I think most people even get turned off by my anime conversations. Even cels. The way I see it, the anime industry is built on a minimum wage workforce that just loves what they do. Inbetweeners make something insane like 200 yen a piece. Your typical American downtown street artist makes more per hour.

I would say most people just use this site as a free web host. As long as they remain model citizens and respect their fellow collectors, I think that's great. It would be nice to have more people to talk to on the forums sometimes, but I'd rather not attract inane converstaions that make it seem like anime fans have no cultural exposure to anything other than anime. (Who am I to talk though, I'm still only halfway through sensei's ( book...)

Ooh, IDEA.

An editorial section. Send me (or a moderator?) a few hundred words about any topic about anime or collecting and we'll post it and open discussion on it. That should attract people. I'd be really interested in shotgun debates with fans of above average education levels (making the assumption that cel collector = good chunk of expendable income = decent-paying job = above average level of education).
Plastic Future
Jun 11 at 12:49 AM
No need to apologize, I know there are probably more people on this site that understand tech than don't. And I like the crazy polls - Viva La Lobster Machine! It just seemed that the last few topics I've had to re-read several times to be sure there wasn't something I should be doing on my end - turn knobs or something.(does anything have knobs any more?)

I have the same problem, the glazed look in non-anime fans or non-colletor's eyes are enough to suck the joy out of your day. But at the same time I agree not everything here must be anime only.

100 words huh? When is this assignment due?j/k
Let me see what I can come up with...
Oni Hime's Palace of Delights
Jun 11 at 7:26 AM
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