New Site Rating Tool

I love this new rating system as well! I try to rate each gallery fairly, and that allows me to take a look at cel series I normally wouldn't have bothered to check out.

Just one suggestion if it can be done: Can you put a list of the galleries which we already rated in our own account menu? So we know which galleries we've already rated, and so that we can go back to the ones which we rated highly, or for whatever other reasons. If you can do it, that would make this already great addition even better I think. Thanks!

Tea House of Bebop Blues
Nov 12 at 12:36 PM
Just one suggestion if it can be done: Can you put a list of the galleries which we already rated in our own account menu? So we know which galleries we've already rated, and so that we can go back to the ones which we rated highly, or for whatever other reasons. If you can do it, that would make this already great addition even better I think. Thanks![/quote]

Yeah, I found out that it's getting harder to remember what I've rated as well. I'll put little check marks or something next to galleries that you've already rated.

At least the intended effect appears to be working: more people are, in fact, looking at galleries they wouldn't normally explore. I encourage you all to make good use of the feedback forms, because everyone likes talking about their cels.

I'm going to be working on the site for the rest of the week, I think, since I've got a light schedule lately... but after I finish my laundry list, hope no one gets upset when I disappear for a few months again. =)
Plastic Future
Nov 12 at 2:08 PM
Yes I've looked at and rated some galleries. Just as many non DBZ galleries BTW. Plus it has made me want to do a major makeover to my gallery.

I'm glad there's a tool for seeing the sites I've rated, I was starting to get mixed up as to what I've have and haven't checked out. Thanks Oh great GP!
Nov 13 at 8:25 PM
Groovy. I need to think of a prettier layout for myself then. Otherwise people might actually tell me how much I suck. heh heh.
Daisuki Cels
Nov 13 at 8:56 PM
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