New Site Rating Tool


I've cobbled together a tool that will -- in a few weeks -- replace the really cheesy method of determining site "popularity". You can now opt-in to allowing users rate your personal gallery. It's disabled by default.

Check out my gallery for a demo -- (I cheated and gave myself free votes. =p) Feel free to play with the rating link at the bottom to see how it works.

To turn it on, go to "member home page -> Gallery Settings -> Site Ranking" and select "yes" from the drop down box. Your site can now be ranked by any fellow Rubberslug member who visits your site. You won't be able to display your rating until you get five memebrs to rate you.

The catagories are presentation (site design, clarity), collection (art in your gallery), and an overall rating (not an average).

Once a few sites start getting a fair number of ratings, we're going to scrap the gallery sorting column that ranks popularity based on hits. (And maybe some of the silly easily inflatable ones like "diversity".) Also, we're going to change the formula from a straight average to a formula that gives frequent voters more sway in the final rating.

Of course, if you'd prefer a more private life of cel collecting, feel free to keep the site ratings off. The only downside is that you won't be able to participate in the sitewide gallery rankings.

Hope everyone thinks this is a fun new addition. The more people who participate, the more interesting this will be. Of course, if there's only six sites that try it, then they'll always be at the top of the list, right?
Plastic Future
Nov 05 at 12:46 AM
This is a nifty tool! I hope many people participate. It does look fun. Count me in!
Forever Dreaming
Nov 05 at 6:21 AM
Fixed a small bug that was causing results to calculate for the wrong sites. Once a few people sign up, we'll probably list all the sites ("in no particular order", just like the Academy) who are participating so that you won't have to search through 700 galleries to find ones to rate.

Plastic Future
Nov 05 at 10:13 AM
I agree! very interesting feature so far. I hope I don't get ranked down simply because I don't have DBZ *cough* ;)
Golden Dawn
Nov 05 at 11:36 AM
Yay! More nifty features!
Rheytarian's Anime Alcove
Nov 05 at 11:49 AM
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