Counting down to the new Rubberslug

OK, I find "Popular Items" in the menu to the left. It just no longer has a link in the regular list of Account tools. However, when I visited, I found that 20 of 50 thumbnail links were broken. I couldn't find any obvious common feature: they weren't all older items or newer items or from the same series.
Sensei's Anime Gallery
Nov 19 at 4:14 PM
It would be great if we could put our series/feature categories in an order of our choosing instead of just alphabetical.
Nov 19 at 4:39 PM
So, no font html in titles. Well, I do use html in some of my titles--specifically, all of the "items" in my recent additions and gifts sections. It's a little work around so that I can have a cel in two different sections without having two different listings. That way, I have all the comments, hits, etc. in one place.

Anyway, should I be worried about my little bit of code not working in the future? It's still working now, but I'm looking ahead. If my little trick does disappear, is there any way we can get an option to list one cel in two categories? It's not exactly something a css editor is going to take care of . . .

I also noticed that almost all of the entries I'd deleted in my new additions section ("new island inhabitants") have been marked live again, only they're hidden. My own fault for never emptying the trash on the old site. I suppose I'll have to delete them all again, but here's the issue: there doesn't seem to be any way to empty your trash or eliminate an item. You can only restore them to life. Is that still a WIP?
klet's Island of Misfit Cels
Nov 19 at 6:09 PM
Is it just me or is hit count that use to be displayed in your profile not there anymore?
Bran-chan's Cel Gallery
Nov 19 at 7:05 PM
Thanks for fixing my problem I emailed you about, Jason. I do have another few minor bugs though just regarding Live Chat. Every time I press enter or "send" in chat, it refreshes the entire page. It's only kind of annoying because you have to scroll down each time when chat goes past one page. And also you have to click on the box to type into each time.

And when someone posts a link, it doesn't appear as a link and we have to copy and paste it to view it.

Also the old bug with chat, with regards to the last person who leaves still being shown as in the chat room even when they've gone, is still there.

I imagine Chat isn't a huge priority though so no hurry, just observations. ^_^;

PS. Oh and Tori spotted that we can't view the galleries of people in chat by clicking on their username.
Edited Nov 19 at 8:29 PM
Nene's Gallery
Nov 19 at 8:25 PM
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