Let It Out!What bugs you re this hobby?

[quote]A minor bug for me as well. I understand if the owner doesn't want to display their cels, but sometimes the best and most sought after cels end up lost and isolated.

Rummaging through cels at Mandarake, but realizing that I'm wasting my time since at least a dozen Japanese cel freaks have snatched up all of the best cels already within the first 30 minutes of the shop opening up... but look anyway.

Being sniped at auctions that don't have an automatic carry over or extension.

Having not bought a cel in over a year, and wondering why I can buy stuff now all of a sudden .. like a bottle of champagne.[/quote]

Edited b/c I seems I couldn't do multiple quotes in this one post, I have no ideas why. *shrug*

Ah yes blackhole collectors, there are quite a few of them and sadly all the ones I know have incredibly collections. *sigh*

OMG E, I totally forgot about the Mandarake experience I too had that situation... I must've been so tramautized I blocked the experiences out!

Ouch I know that feeling all too well, sometimes I got to remember to read the auction terms, since they do differ.

E, I think as long as you're one of our trusted mods, you will always be tempted by cels, you are always close to them virtually that is. *wink* But, IMO you've still have some you enjoy and the other ones you enjoyed that you sold, was done when needed to b/c your personal financial situation dictated it. No regrets mon ami! I for one think you have a great collection still.

As for why you can by a bottle of champagne, perhaps it is b/c you can enjoy it with a loved one and cels as great as some are, just isn't something you can share with someone who is not into anime or a collector themself. At least that's my ten cents.
Edited Jun 22 at 10:59 AM
M O M O's cels
Jun 22 at 10:55 AM
Oh something I realized when I was hunting during AX... I really do not like it when dealers RAISE their prices just for cons! *ugh!* I will not name dealers but if you were at AX you will recall if you search the respective website and the same item(s) were cheaper online than at the AX. Anyone else slightly miffed by this practice too?
M O M O's cels
Jul 12 at 1:56 PM
i really enjoy this addictive hobby and the pursuit of new cels; but, what seems to bugging me recently is that the commission fees are getting much higher and driving up the cost of a single 2,200 yen cel to $68.00 US. 0_0

but, other than that--i am looking forward to seeing my newest goodies and update. :)
Ginga's Anime Galactica
Aug 24 at 7:57 PM
Yikes Ginga, that's astronomical! I'm guessing that includes shipping and everything right? If that were a $50 "commission"...that's just plain out robbery.
Space Runaway
Moeru Roman
Aug 25 at 10:51 AM
I agree but that is standard now, so unless a NEW ds starts up and is willing to unprice every one else we are all going to have to continue to bleed. Personally I wish someone would create a new service that also helps people sell their cels on YJP.
M O M O's cels
Aug 25 at 11:44 AM
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