should we allow non-collector stuff?

Time for a somewhat serious poll. I don't know where to draw the line, so I will ask you all.

Should we strictly disallow posting of non-cel, non-artwork anything? This means, if someone collects cels and something else, like figures, should we tell them no?

The problem with this is that we have no set way to draw the line. Today, it's figures, tomorrow it's pictures of cats. The day after, it's a prom night photo gallery.

I think galleries should reflect the individual -- as all collections should -- but they should still be primarily about original animation artwork. I don't have a good way to define "primarily" though.

So should we just say "no" right now?

Your one vote will make a huge difference, since these might be the only ones I count. It's not a majority rule thing, it's a challenge to come up with a good policy that's fair to (almost) everyone.
Plastic Future
Nov 20 at 4:51 PM
clarification: title should we "should we allow non-*anime* stuff"....
Plastic Future
Nov 20 at 4:55 PM
Perhaps allowing a set number of non-cel photos, five-ten, per site might work. The only thing is that may muddy the waters and attract more of the non-cel-artbook-image-posting-galleries that have to be zapped.

I don't know, this is a tough one. I can only speak for what I do....

Since this is a free site designed for cels, I've set up free space on Angelfire for my non-cel stuff. I figure since I'm not footing the bandwidth bill, I should post non-cel stuff elsewhere:)

It's easy to set up a free account to post pictures and link it to Rubberslug. That would keep the personal aspect yet not eat up RS bandwidth, keep the site about cels, and avoid content wars.
Felicity-chan's Oasis
Nov 20 at 9:53 PM
Besides cels, I like seeing original art like convention sketches and production line art of any type. Once it gets out of the original 2-d art realm though would where I draw the line.
Melissa's Cel Gallery
Nov 20 at 10:16 PM
I think it really depends on how strict you want to be and if there is going to be a set of rules they should be clearly defined.

If we're going with "by the book" original art collecting, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to put up an entire section devoted to comic books and video game figurines. But for those who have, no one's really said, "hey," about it until now.

I don't think there's anything wrong with posting a photo or two of your other collections in the "About Me" section of your gallery with a "by the way, I also collect on..."

Just my two cents.

Flipyon's Cel Gallery
Nov 21 at 12:33 AM
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