WARNING: Counterfeit Cels

I have been reading all the comments about these cels. Sometimes with cels they appear different on the tv screen then they actually are. With the anime I buy there usually is more of the image on the cel then there is on the tv screen . Your making all these claims about these cels were is your proof. Show us some proof to back up your comments. Your last comment is " when I believe he knows there not " Your right that is your problem. When there is proof presented then you can say they are fake until then There Real.
Feb 28 at 8:38 AM
Folks ... this person was simply posting a warning that he believes that these cels are fakes. It sounds to me like he has some fairly good arguments to that effect (incorrect paint colors, etc). There is no "they're real until proven otherwise" in cel collecting, and we all know it. Otherwise, we wouldn't scrutinize images on YJ and eBay before bidding or buying.

If Guardians of Good wants to post here and defend himself, he is perfectly able, as he is also a member of this community. Let's not all jump down Mace's throat because he's suggesting someone here is of questionable character. It certainly wouldn't be the first time someone has accused someone else in the cel community of doing something rather unscrupulous.

If you've actually dealt with GoG, then certainly your opinion matters here, but for those who have not, simply attacking Mace isn't exactly going to help anything or anyone else. I only see one post from someone who actually seems to know GoG and has dealt with him. I myself have had conversations with GoG regarding Transformers cels and my husband's Voltron cels, and have had my doubts about him, but I'll leave it at that.

As for whether or not his GIJoe cels are real or fake .. I don't know. I know Guardians of Good has tried selling a cel of Optimus Prime in the past that was mislabeled -- it isn't/wasn't actually Optimus, but certainly looked a lot like him. In fact, the original buyer of this cel found out and GoG was forced to cancel the sale. He then re-listed the cel in the RS shop, where it still sits: http://www.rubberslug.com/shop/item.aspx?i=3910

That cel is actually Ginrai, not Optimus, and yet even though he's listed Ginrai in the title of the cel, he's still trying to pass it off as Optimus Prime even now! God Ginrai is not Optimus Prime. Based on that alone, I would certainly have reason to doubt GoG's truthfulness about the cels he is selling.

Just my two yen.
Feb 28 at 9:49 AM

Well, as far as offering proof. As I previously stated, the cels in question were removed from this persons gallery once I notified him of my plans to tell other collectors about my beliefs that they are in fact reproductions. So I unfortunately don't have actual pics of those cels to now use as a photo reference. Otherwise I could compare the differences between these cels and the screencaps for you and explain why they don't match up. It's not a case of just "less image" of the cel showing on the screen as you stated. There are actual physical differences such as the colors being off,the production lines being off,shadowing being off. Yes, these things on the cels are SIMILIAR as to whats showing on the screen. But they do not match them 100% like they should. It's basically the equalivint of you making a colored drawing of your favorite cel. It's going to look like it. But it's not going to be exactly like it. And then you try to pass that drawing off as the original cel. Thats the situation thats going on here.

Actually, after just checking something I do have one photo reference I can use to back up my claim. The Snake Eyes cel on ebay that I mentioned in a earlier post as originally being from GoG. I have a link to it in the Guardians of Good Gallery. There is also a screencap below the picture. Please compare the color of the characters visor,belt and armbands between the cel and the screencap from the actual episode. You can obviously see that the cel has them colored GRAY but in the actual episode they were BLACK. This is just one of the physical differences that i'm talking about with these cels. GoG had a number of cels that all had problems similiar to this. He didn't feel it was an issue and was still going to sell or trade them off as original production cels. I do believe that he knows that these cels are reproductions. And that is why he was starting to sell or trade them all off. And that is just not the right thing to do.

Here's the link
Edited Mar 01 at 1:59 AM
Animation X
Mar 01 at 1:40 AM

Thank you for keeping an open mind and for your opinion on the topic at hand. It's much appreciated.
Animation X
Mar 01 at 1:56 AM
Theres something fishy with that cel
Cel Junkie
Mar 01 at 2:05 AM
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