update limits

I tried eleven lords a leaping last year, but Samurai Deeper Kyo refused to leap. ~_^
Aernath's Heartthrobs
Nov 14 at 8:14 PM

I'm heavily diggin' this idea, but am wondering how it's going to work exactly. Will Rubberslug limit the ability to upload images and consequently limit updates or will a collector essentially store cel scans and then control when the cels show up live in their respective gallery?

A few collectors have discussed having an "update button" of sorts and that's a spiffy idea, but I haven't seen you mention that even being possible. (Heck, I'm sure all of us have certain buttons we'd love invented. I've looked in every apartment I've had for a an "Automatic Clutter Annihilator" button..but alas, have had no luck as of yet ;) If such a button is possible, cool. But if not, cool too. I think either way it will definitely help limit the false updates.

And oh, I'll bahhhh and say two updates a week sounds mighty mighty fine to myself as well.

Thanks for doing this! Your effort is certainly appreciated.

Nov 14 at 10:30 PM
It was going to be a button. Sorry for not being clear earlier.

It would be a button at the top of your member editing page doohickey similar to the one that shows up when you close your gallery. It would tell you how often you can update (it might be variable for older/newer/more active/less active/etc users).

Pressing the button publishes you on the home page. Once pressed, it'll grey out and tell you the next time you can publish again.

It doesn't exist yet, but I can spare a few hours somewhere to do it.

I'm making a birthday present for an old friend for the next two days or so, so I won't have much time for this until maybe Thursday or Friday.

This is probably the last big update I'm going to make on the old site for a while. It's just not worth anyone's time (mine or yours) to keep duct taping this thing when the new stuff is made with a greatly increased level of foresight.

The good news is that a new update mechanic is more or less separate from anything new I'm working on, so at least we can reuse it indefinitely.
Edited Nov 14 at 10:39 PM
Plastic Future
Nov 14 at 10:35 PM
I really hesitate to come around and post on this forum because ... well, I seem to have a knack for always being on the "unpopular" side of issues. But, I figure my gallery is no longer taking up that valuable front page real estate ... so I can be, more or less, free to speak my mind.

*looks around as everyone runs away from this thread*

What?? Was it something I said??

But, at the risk of going against the flow of popular opinion, here goes: I don't really understand the need to limit updates.

If this is a site mechanics concern ... like having so many updates is taking up too much bandwith or the coding is becoming a problem or something like that ... then, yes, I understand the need.

But, if this is because people feel like they aren't getting their "fair share" of time on the front page ... well, I'm sorry for saying this, but I think it's a little silly. I know my opinion on this is not popular --- that was demonstrated quite well in the "coming soon" thread --- but I still find it really, really hard to believe that people have nothing better to do than sit around and make "false" updates just to promote their cel galleries and push "more deserving" people off the front page. Perhaps I am naive, but ...

With all that said, I think the idea of an "update" button is a great one. I used to have a hidden coming soon section. If there had been such a button in the past, I could have made sure my hidden updates never hit the front page, which would have suited me just fine --- and such a feature would, likely, go a long way toward soothing the ruffled feathers hidden sections seem to cause. For that matter, I never really cared if my gallery showed up on the updates page at all ... so I probably would have made it so that my updates were hardly ever published. If I decide to bring my gallery back in the future, I think it would be a nice added feature to have.

Anyhow ... that's just my two cents ... for what it's worth --- which is, maybe, more than a penny ... but way, way less than a nickle.
Gecko Blue Cels
Nov 15 at 10:18 AM
Well you are being a little na?ve, because I know for a fact that it does happen, you can choose whether you?d like to believe it or not, it?s totally up to you.

You know it?s not really a matter of a ?fair share? of time on the front page or anything like that. I really don?t mind if my update gets bumped off by legitimate updates (in fact I think that?s great and I applaud it as it means there?s more stuff to look at), but recently, I?ve noticed the same update after update after update?by the same people and they don?t have anything to show, it just gets tiresome...and it comes down to the fact that these updates are pointless for other users to view, as there's nothing to see!
Yeah sure, it does get on my nerves if these kind of people bump me off the front page? as I?m tired of seeing their banner on the front page with nothing to show! But I'm not gonna lose sleep over it, the topic was brought up purely to make this a better place and if it gets sorted...great...if not...so what.

For me personally if I?ve bought a cel and took the time to scan and update it, why would I be happy to see my update bumped off the front page by bogus updates? I?ve taken the time and effort to photo/scan and add it to my collection?why? Not for me?I can see my collection in person whenever I want, but I update it so everybody else can share my collection with me as it grows.
I like to see my collection being viewed, I like to hear back from people of what they think of my gallery, cels and new additions and if my update is being bumped off prematurely by bogus updates then this doesn?t happen?I don?t see why people get so defensive or high and mighty saying we?re pathetic for wanting our gallery on the front page (don?t worry, I don?t see your opinion as aggressive as this) when we update.

Anyway back on topic?update button?good idea!
Ronin's Cel Gallery
Nov 15 at 2:54 PM
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