What's the most $$ you spent on a cel?

This was an interesting Weblog topic of mine, so I'm putting it up here so members can get an inkling of how far we're all willing to go to get that preecious cel we want.

We all know that cel collecting is not a cheap hobby, and while it's not cheap it's also very addictive. So lots of $$$ + Addictive = Crazy Money!

So what's the most you've spent on a cel so far? When I first started I bought a cel here and there, usually around $15-25 a pop. Not much. Now that it's getting addictive, the most I've spent were $100, $75 and $50. So far I'm not breaking the $125 mark at the moment, but there's some really nice Macross/Robotech cels I would love, but their scarcity has them hovering around $500 and that's just kinda too funky for me. How about you?
Baron V's Animation Cel Gallery
Mar 25 at 12:38 PM
Good Q, BaronV!

The Most I've spent has been around the $700 mark, that was for a Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust dream cel. One or two have pushed the $500 mark but I have to think carefully if I'm spending over $100.
Like you I used to spend a small ammount, $10-20 on each cel but as I've become more experienced (or foolish) I often buy a lot over $100 each!

It's exciting to find a good cel at $10 but these bargains are few and far between, as you know; especially now more and more collectors have entered this hobby thus bumping up the prices.
BlueBlade Anime Art
Mar 25 at 1:06 PM
I collect exclusively from Macross/Robotech (and Wings of Honneamise but these cels are exceptionally hard to find) and I have come to expect to pay at least $100 for any cel I like. I have lucked out and spent less on some great cels, even $10, but that was more out of pity for the previous owner because the cel was listed over and over again and it never got a bid, than that I really liked the cel. Hey, it is from my favorite show anyways and I have only done it twice! I was very fortunate to find a set of 29 cels and 29 douga that I got for $140 so that lowers my overall average cel cost, but the nicer ones are always $100 and up. I have a self imposed limit of $300 for any one cel and the most I have payed is $260 (close to $300 after the Rinkya fees).

I currently own every Wings of Honneamise cel I have seen, save for two, and I payed less than $100 for each. Of the two I don't own, one is listed for about $360. The other is listed for $280 and I already own a cel from the same cut that I only payed $80 for.
Mokman's Macross & Robotech Cels
Mar 25 at 4:52 PM
I replied in your weblog too, but I've been thinking... (ooo that hurt)

The most I've paid for a Production cel was $140 for my Gene Starwind (Thanks to ladybrick! I still Loooove him!) (just got him a new background too!)
The next closest are my Aya (who now has a new background too thanks to tex-chan) and my Shido. They were both $100 each.
Most of my production cels were quite a bit under $100. But the Rilezu! Oy. I don't think any of those were Under $200 (Rilezu, not the repros. The repros were cheap).

As to what's not in my hot little hands yet...
Production cel of Aya that I'm currently working on paying $500 for. *sigh* But he's so bishily loveable. :) And, I'll probably eat these words later on in life, but it should be the only time I put out that much $$ for a cel. (famous last words...)
Aernath's Heartthrobs
Mar 25 at 5:12 PM
When I started collecting I had a $100 limit, then moved it up to $150 where it has stayed for quite while. Part of the fun and challenge of collecting for me has been finding stuff of high quality in this price range. I'm tempted regularly by higher priced stuff, though, and have been thinking of getting a few special things for more. I have found some amazing cels for $100 or less though, and only spent $150 once.
Vapalla's cels
Mar 25 at 5:43 PM
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