search question

I appreciate being able to find cels in Misc. sections. I lost track of where some of them were at when my computer went hard drive went down. It's great to be able to see them again.

b) Should detailed searches (things that return, say, more than 15-20 hits) be restricted to members to prevent bots and random nosy image gankers from trolling the search page for downloads?

Thanks for reminding me. I forgot about the Rubberslug cel images that have been captured at Google images. I'm going to have to rename my uploaded cel image names so that they're less likely to be saved by it. I hate their crawler. People come to my Tripod gallery everyday from Google images just because of archived images there and so I can't tell if they want to see my cels or steal my images. >_<
Jan 05 at 11:18 AM
We'll be doing something about Google soon. I can write up a module that will block all external links to this website, which I've been meaning to do for a while. As I understand, it's not terribly difficult.
Plastic Future
Jan 05 at 11:50 AM
[quote]There's an important piece of the puzzle that's missing here. The search that's currently available is the scattershot search that searches all catagories and provides some sample results. There will be a detailed search that lets you search just one catagory of stuff and allows you to page through the results and sort them accordingly. [/quote]

Ah...well that makes sense then. I wasn't sure if this was a global search replacement with multiple results...apparently its just not done yet. ;)
Gabriel's cels
Jan 05 at 12:38 PM
Detailed searches are half complete. I have two things to say about this:

1. **Thank your moderators.** Signal to noise on a search using my really crappy search engine is still exceedingly high. The reason why we're always such meanies is because it gives legitimate, individual collectors a good chance to be seen and heard.


60,000+ cels is the ultimate way to window shop and/or build a wishlist. I just spend a half hour playing with it. It's a lot of fun. And it's not even done.

Things that are still broken (some of which may be fixed by the time you read this):

^^*^^ Non-registered users not yet locked out of detailed searches (we seem to be in agreement about doing this).

^^*^^ searching by two or more words doesn't work right yet

^^*^^ links from the "scattershot" search to detailed search

^^*^^ sorting options for each kind of search
Edited Jan 06 at 2:25 AM
Plastic Future
Jan 06 at 2:10 AM
Holy thumbnails Batman!

That is sooooo fantastic! Just those two examples, are, just, wow...

So cool.

Thanks Jason!
Aernath's Heartthrobs
Jan 06 at 3:02 AM
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