Buying anime dvd's you've never seen

Have you ever bought anime on dvd that you've never seen before, but only heard about? Or have you ever bought a cel from an anime you've never seen before, but you really loved the cel?
I only heard about bubblegum crisis tokyo 2040, and without seeing any of the show, i bought the who series. I'm sooo happy I did too because I feel in love right after the first episode. Now I have that, the original bubblegum crisis, and bubblegum crash. And many new cels on the way from them! ^_^*
Bubblegum Re-Chewed
Aug 07 at 11:39 PM
Please Save My Earth. I purchased it sight unseen on a recommendation. It was... interesting. Couldn't help feeling that I was missing the point.

On the cel landscape, there's this little poll from about a year ago:

Would you collect art from a show without seeing it?
Plastic Future
Aug 07 at 11:54 PM
Most of my DVD collection are of anime that I haven't seen, I just read about them online and I got interested. I love most of them, the very few that I don't like were borrowed. :P

I have a few cels that I've gotten because they caught my eye, but I hadn't seen the show where they came from prior. Usually this leads to my liking another series. @_@ Cels like this are from:

Miyuki-chan in Wonderland

Inu Yasha and DBZ in a way in that I haven't seen all the series, but I still collect/ed cels nonetheless.
Rheytarian's Anime Alcove
Aug 08 at 12:07 AM
I buy anime all the time without seeing it first. It seems to happen a lot when your friends run your local anime shop. This either happens because they bug me to buy stuff in order to help get shipments in or because they know I will definitely like it. I bought Saber Marionette, Bubblegum Crisis, Card Captor Sakura, Now and Then, Here and There, and Sakura Wars like this...

I have several cels that I bought before seeing the series. In some cases, I still haven't. My Washu cel is a good example. I picked her up without seeing any of Tenchi...

There are also times where I will watch an anime based upon liking cels from the series. I think I'm gonna check out Galaxy Angel after seeing some cels float around on Y!J in the past few weeks...
Cyphr's Cels
Aug 08 at 1:15 AM
Funny you should mention...
I just did a "buy-it-now" from Yahoo!Japan for a set of three cels from "Eight Clouds Rising".
I had just seen the promo for it on the extras of Weiss Kreutz Gluhen, and the next day was going through the "miscellaneous" pages on Celga.
I was looking at it and on the brink of deciding whether or not to buy it, when a co-worker looked over my shoulder and said "Now THAT's a cool cel!"

Since I'm on a tiny island in the middle of the Pacific, I don't have any stores to browse for anime, so most all of my anime is bought without previewing. But I do fairly thorough research online before committing myself. The only stinker so far for me has been the Kare Kano set. I love the manga, and so dismissed the naysayers on Amazon. But they were right; the anime finished long before the manga, and so drifted aimlessly a while before just cutting off abruptly (and unsatisfyingly)!

I picked up a second-hand copy of Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 while in Guam for some training, and when I got home and sat down to watch it, I found out I'd managed to pick up the -last- DVD of that set. Oy. One of these days I'll get the beginning DVD's. Especially since my husband was actually looking interested in the show. Right now I have him hooked on Witch Hunter Robin. We're hoping the last DVD in that set is on this week's mail plane...
Aernath's Heartthrobs
Aug 08 at 4:50 AM
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