What got you hooked

Hi, lately I have seen that a few cel collectors have put which shows got them addicted to the anime craze. So know I wanted to see what got all of you dependant on Japanese cartoons.

The show that started it for me was DBZ, I mean who could forget when they first came out with the freiza saga on toonami. Later I branched out into other toonami shows like sailor moon, gundam wing, and tenchi muyo. Finally I expanded my horizons and now enjoy many different titles of anime in their true, original form.
Aug 02 at 4:27 PM
What got me into Anime...the Big O...

What got me into collecting cels...Mezzo Forte...
The Startyde
Aug 02 at 7:17 PM
My friend inrtoduced me to anime in high school. She was a huge Sailor Moon fan and would bring her Mixx manga to class. After many attempts to get me to read it, I did and was impressed.

I did research online to learn more, and that's when my passion for anime blossomed.

DBZ is the anime that got me into cels. I remember when $75 for my first cel was a big deal for me. It's scary how one can blow $500 on a single cel and not think it's too expensive! @_@
Rheytarian's Anime Alcove
Aug 02 at 8:08 PM
It was RPGs that got me into anime. I would often see references to anime when perusing sites dedicated to Final Fantasy games, etc. and wonder vaguely what the heck they were talking about. One morning I was flipping channels and saw Sailor Moon on the USA network and recognized the name from one the websites I had visited. I started taping the episodes so I could watch them when I got home from work and fell in love with the series. From there, I found out about the original Japanese version (a much superior version) and then branched out into other anime series after that.

My husband got me my first 2 cels as a gift, but it wasn?t until much later when he gave me 2 more cels that I became interested in collecting cels as a hobby. Until then, I had no idea how available anime cels were on the internet. From day one, I decided to only collect Sailor Moon cels. Concentrating solely on my favorite series really appeals to me and I also thought it would keep me from going overboard and spending too much on the hobby. HAHAHAHAHA I was so wrong about that last part!
~ Luna-Art ~
Luna-Art's Cel Gallery
Aug 03 at 11:22 AM
It was Akira that got me into anime, a friend made me go and see it at a local cinema when it got a release in the UK and it just blew me away. Even now it is still one of my favourite Anime films.
For collecting cels Im afraid it was DBZ. I saw a cel of Krillin on ebay one day and thought "Hey that would be a cool thing to own" so I bought it and things went rapidly downhill since then.
Aug 03 at 12:43 PM
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