Blast from the past

Not too sure I fully understand how you plan to slim that gallery without selling any but regardless of if you're going to sell them or not, are you still going to upload them all? Would love to be able to see them and if you were open to offers I'd appreciate an email to contact you by once you have sorted everything, thanks.

Majin Vegeta
Nov 23 at 8:31 AM
Well, the following things need to happen in order for me to open the gallery for viewing....First I need to know exactly how many cels there will be that I am finally keeping(100 is the goal, but may end up with more), when I get my new computer, when I finally finish setting myself here in Tampa and only then is when the gallery is going to be open for viewing, that will also mark that there will be no more sales. I still have a bunch of cels that I want to sell, but once I am finished with those the rest will become part of the permanent collection. There will be exceptions and those are: An offer I can't refuse comes along, I decide to sell something or I decide to get out altogether from cel collecting, then and only then sales will actually happen from what the permanent stuff is......
But as it stands there are more than 100 cels still and that is the number I am trying to reach, that is what makes it difficult at times to sell somethings, but also some of them won't sell unless I give them away and I may do that from time to time if something merits it but not gonna do it just for kicks, would like to get something for them but if not they can also stay with me.

I hope this explains it a little bit better....~_^
Edited Nov 25 at 7:31 PM
The Last True Saiyans
Nov 23 at 7:44 PM
Oh wow that's intense, I thought you meant you only had a hundred and you were trying to cut down to hundred which confused me, are all the cels dragonball or different series? Look forward to seeing the collection once you've organised yourself, I await with anticipation :)
Majin Vegeta
Nov 27 at 10:30 AM
Glad that my last explanation cleared things up...All are DB/Z/GT will likely not be updated with everything but only with the ones I am keeping and it most likely won't happen until January or February of next year.....but one thing is certain and that is that I will be working on it to meet that date....^_^
The Last True Saiyans
Dec 01 at 9:31 PM
That'll be awesome, and what will happen to the cels you don't intend to keep?
Majin Vegeta
Dec 02 at 12:22 PM
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