Auto-scale image sizing broken

FYI, the auto-scale image sizing seems to be malfunctioning. Instead of restricting cel images to a specified size (eg. 300 pixel) galleries are posting images at the full uploaded size.

Thank you in advance for checking on this when you have a chance.
Webworld Animation
Oct 15 at 2:42 PM
For me now it's scaling images to a very small size when I have the largest size selected in my gallery options.
Berserk Hunter
Oct 21 at 11:06 AM
I had my auto-scaling turned off because I wanted to manually control the size of my images. But even though it's still turned off in my settings, my images are now all auto-sizing.

This makes the pages where I import animations from a remote site look very odd, because the single blue pixel I use as my "large" image is now blown up to super size.
Sensei's Anime Gallery
Oct 26 at 10:10 PM
yes! definitely broken!! all those huge JPEGs are on display in my gallery after you click on the thumbnails of the cels.

YIKES! (They are huge!!)

Please fix!
Ginga's Anime Galactica
Nov 03 at 12:06 PM
Heh. It looks as if the people who want auto-scaling don't have it now, and the people who turned it off in their gallery settings now have it anyway.

I think this needs to be resolved, or else I have a very large and tedious task ahead of me to redesign each of the pages in my gallery that use animations.
Sensei's Anime Gallery
Nov 04 at 8:46 AM
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