Would you eat from this machine?

Did someone say...LOBSTER???

Flipyon's Cel Gallery
Aug 23 at 12:20 AM
No, I would NOT. You know, lobsters are just very large, hard shelled, overpriced cockroaches anyway. My last cat used to play this game out of my aquarium all the time and she never put any money in the filter.
Cat's Litterbox of Cels
Aug 23 at 8:29 PM
duhhh!Why would any one invent that machine in the first place?
Aug 24 at 5:01 PM
Looks like one of these machine is now in the US
Edited May 10 at 12:46 PM
Melissa's Cel Gallery
May 10 at 12:42 PM
Do lobsters hear at all? I thought they had a simple nervous system, how would she know "they're realizing they are going to meet their doom"? Maybe they're thinking "Wheeee!"
Oni Hime's Palace of Delights
May 10 at 1:26 PM
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