Would you eat from this machine?


I flew halfway around the world for this one picture. My only regret is not actually playing.
Plastic Future
Aug 21 at 3:13 PM
I don't know what in the world would have to be going through someone's head (or maybe I should say what wasn't going through their head?) to make them think of something like that!

Nesuferit's Cel Gallery
Aug 21 at 5:45 PM
[quote]I don't know what in the world would have to be going through someone's head ...[quote/]

It's very Japanese. Japanese people love fish of any kind, they eat %30 of the worlds fish as it stands. And there is no rights for fish here! Of course, many people here think the best way to eat fish is right after it has been killed and raw. So, there is no thinking of the cruelty of this "game" at all. Oh, no people are licking their chops at the site of those lobsters!

And of course it is also a PR gimmick to attract people to a game center, and gain attention, due to the high competition. It is just a weird fad attraction.
Aug 21 at 10:17 PM
[quote]I don't know what in the world would have to be going through someone's head ...[/quote]

opps did I mess up those quotes!

Aug 21 at 10:18 PM
But... the water is 2000 Flushes blue. And the UV lights to stem the growth of bacteria, nice touch. I'm surprised no one's asked the number one question when they see this picture...

If you manage to grab a lobster, how do you take it home?
Plastic Future
Aug 21 at 11:11 PM
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