Would you eat from this machine?

And I forgot to mention...

[quote]WHY?!? [/quote]

Clearly, they are very hungry UFO Catcher designers. Maybe lobsters make nice pets. (Once they recover from the heavily medicated water they've been stewing in for the last three weeks.)
Plastic Future
Aug 21 at 11:13 PM
probably the lobsters are also trained to avoid being catched.... lol ^__^
Cycling Anime's Cel Gallery
Aug 21 at 11:55 PM
Now the REAL TRICK is to win one. You will spend quite a lot of cash trying to pick up a slimy moving object. I have yet to hear of anyone actually winning one.
Aug 22 at 4:05 AM
Why would anyone eat from that duhhh!
Aug 22 at 5:12 PM
If it comes with the salty water to wash it down, it's a meal in itself! ;)
Twist of Blue
Aug 22 at 9:15 PM
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