Wishlist request

The kidney option still remins, but now it's ranked as priority 5, the highest. I didn't test this at all because I've got a pretty bad headache and it's 3:30 AM. If it doesn't work, feel free to chew me out and I'll fix it pronto.

Plastic Future
Feb 06 at 3:04 AM
Thanks Jason! I think the new rank is great, and I'm happy that you kept the kidney option. Personally, I never took that one seriously, though I guess maybe some out there would really give their kidney o_O;; it just always gave me a good laugh. I can understand though if some aren't comfortable for it. (And, the kidney option does work, so no need to fix it). Thanks again!

I hope your headache goes away soon!
Lunar Reflections
Feb 06 at 10:37 AM
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