rubberslug at 5

Happy belated birthday, RS!

To be perfectly honest, I don't know what can be done about the small percentage of repulsive behavior. Some people just suck, and the anonymity of the internet provides an outlet to make it worse. It happens, and DT is right... the best thing you can do is develop a thick skin and move on. If you don't like how your ratings are going for whatever reason, then turn them off. My blog was not about people lowering ratings for petty reasons or things like that, but it was the result of a friend telling me of the lowest thing that had happened to her yet, and I snapped on her behalf. I lumped everything else in to make a point about the petty behavior coming to absolute hurtful behavior.

But anyway, I'm all up for regional RS meet-and-greets. I know that there are a lot of Texas collectors out there, and despite our huge state, perhaps we can arrange something to meet. If not this year, then perhaps next year at the next cons.
Aug 21 at 10:59 AM
Like those famous and heroic words spoken passionately by victim Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along"? When responding to the L.A. riots, due to the LAPD officers acquittal in his beating case.

The resounding answer was--- NO..

But that didn't mean it was the end of the world. It actually meant that we had a recognized place to start anew and grow from to get better. It took a reality check and wake up call on everyone's part to get a perspective on who we were and where we needed to grow to get better as a society.

It's happened here on RS in our little hobby community world on various occasions. We've had some difficulties but we have had the good support network of old-timers that pass on the torch and share a common bond of civility to step up and soothe the savage souls, and remind everyone that "it is only a hobby kids".

We've grown, gotten better, and thrived all due a collective and geniune love for the hobby we all share..

--AND in any case, if we did "all just get along" it be a boring and predictable world, wouldn't it? I for one thank you for all of the support and good networking that you've shown throughout the years..

Cheers Matey's!!

Happy B-day RS..
Edited Aug 22 at 10:03 PM
Aug 22 at 9:45 PM
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