Blast From the Past

Wow, some people really are hostile over there--somewhat ignorant too. I'm thinking of the poster who was afraid to click on your link, thinking she'd get a virus. Though with what I've heard about that board, there might have been that kind of malicious person there.

But I'm so glad that everything turned out alright and you weren't discouraged by the lack of support. If it wasn't for this site and all of it's pretty pictures, I probably would never have gotten into cel collecting and I'd now have a lot more money . . .

. . .wait a minute . . .j/k
klet's Island of Misfit Cels
Jul 18 at 9:17 PM
Wait. Which one am I? Hmm, we need an analogy that emcompasses you too. And Startyde. And the two AFKs. =)

No, no... E's analogy works... we just have to expand it to the entire Animaniacs universe. That would mean E would be Yacko and Startyde would be Wacko, methinks.
Jul 19 at 7:36 AM
OOooooo cool! The RS Declaration of Independance. The Magna Cel Carta. Charles Kane's list of principles.

What a funny first start RS had! History in the making! Oh yeah, and thank you Jason for making it.
Sep 21 at 10:56 PM
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