higher learning


Was just having this weird conversation with an older project manager at one of the offices I work at... and it turns out that nightmare about not realizing you're registered for a certain class and then realizing you're due to take a final in about an hour *never* goes away, no matter how many years pass since you got your degree. *shiver*

So how many of you are due back in school of some kind this week? I know our youngest members here are about high school age. Quite a few of you are about university age.

On the other hand, there are a few college professors I know also visiting this site on a regular basis looking at this question from a different perspective. Greets to those folks as well.
Edited Aug 25 at 7:54 PM
Plastic Future
Aug 25 at 7:53 PM
Ooh, college professors visit Beta? That's an interesting fact.

I start the Fall semester at CSU Stanislaus September 2, so I have a few more days of freedom. ^_^ School always start near my birthday, but at least this year it's on a Saturday and I have that day off from work!
Rheytarian's Anime Alcove
Aug 25 at 8:12 PM
Just starting my second year of Grad School today actually...

Heh, one more year and I'm thrown into the "real" world. Best to stock up on cels now before life and other expenses cuts me brutally down... :)
The Startyde
Aug 25 at 8:44 PM
I "skip" school a lot. They're literaly begging me to do so anyways. As long as I do my homework and get good grades/study hard, they won't get on my nerves with "Where were you on day x?" or "You're 7 hours late and you bring your DOG!?". Okaaaaaaaay, I flunked twice, but all in all, I get along quite well. They even accept excuses for being late like "An alien kidnapped me and I had to fight hard so I can be here now!"

My school year starts beginning of September. And I don't wanna go. Really. Except one, all my friends are finished/kicked out, so unless there're male freshmen in my class (don't get along with females), I'll cut more than ever. I won't quit completely as I want a diploma and study further so I become GTA ;)
Money's Grave - Mother's Grief
Aug 26 at 6:16 AM
Actually, I'm in the computer lab at school right now. You gotta love 3 hour breaks in your class schedule...

I often wonder if this will ever end. It seems like I have been going to college forever. I'm finally a senior, so I guess this means there is a light at the end of the tunnel...
Cyphr's Cels
Aug 26 at 3:52 PM
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