Cel backrounds

Does anyone know a site where I can print backrounds for some of my cels?
High Anticipation
Jul 15 at 6:29 PM
I did'nt know there were sites that do that, but if there is i'd like to know as well =)
AKIRA gallery
Jul 20 at 2:39 PM
I was thinking....

Once we get shared galleries, what if we had a shared gallery where people could simply upload backgrounds at print resolution (I'll make up instructions on how to do this) so that one could download from this site and go to Kinko's to make as many laser copy backgrounds as they like?

It would be worth a lot of bonus karma to contribute to this gallery, but it would also be -- I think -- fun and useful to have a big library of just backgrounds that us collectors can pull from for display/framing. Each contributor would say what show, episode, and cut and BG came from if they know for help in matching. I don't have a huge collection, but I have maybe a half dozen watercolor backgrounds. I'm sure we could come up with a collection of maybe 50-60 backgrounds in two weeks, which would plenty to choose from if you weren't necessarily looking for a matching bg.

Would this sound like something that you all would be interested in using or contributing to?
Edited Jul 29 at 3:56 PM
Plastic Future
Jul 29 at 3:53 PM
I have a background or two that don't match the cels they came with I would be willing to contribute...
Cyphr's Cels
Jul 29 at 4:53 PM
We'd be happy to contribute backgrounds to a shared gallery (they make up our most numerous category, after all :) ).
The Lonely Mountain
Jul 30 at 1:31 AM
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