links temporarily disabled

Hi bud,

not sure if the bug is still prevalent on links, but my links are screwed up majorly. It won?t allow me to move links up and down, two refuse to move to a subcategory and refresh freezes the browser. I'm using IE and both Win2000 and Win XP Pro platforms.

Before you started working on links, they worked fine, except the last link I added, refused to be moved down the list (I tried to order them alphabetically) so it seems to have been an old issue.

Any thoughts bud?
The Startyde
Jun 10 at 2:33 PM
I'm getting error messages for just trying to activate my links section.
Oni Hime's Palace of Delights
Jun 10 at 3:50 PM
My bad, I forgot to actually test if you could *create* a links page. Minor little flub that should be fixed. Try it again (pretty please).

[quote] It won?t allow me to move links up and down, two refuse to move to a subcategory and refresh freezes the browser. [/quote]

I've taken some safeguards off the database to prevent it from locking up while moving things back and forth. (It works the first couple times, then it locks up... I experimented using your gallery.)

As far as not moving links up and down, I couldn't find out how to do this using your gallery. All the links appear to have the right priorities. (Inability to move links comes from them having screwed up priorities due to some weird unforseen circumstance.)

Side note: If there are any advanced SQL geeks out there who can explain how transactions predict locking behavior in dynamic queries -- if at all -- where the tables are provided at runtime, please e-mail me.
Plastic Future
Jun 10 at 4:11 PM
If somsone was messing with this from 4:00-4:30, sorry for having it hang so many times. I'll go work on this in a test server instead. *shuffles off to a different sandbox*
Plastic Future
Jun 10 at 4:30 PM
I broke the links! I broke the links! *chanting merrily* I sent you an email with the details, Jason. :)
Jun 11 at 11:47 AM
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