Advice for people new to cel collecting.

I agree with everyone who said so, don't go crazy with buying cels.

But I think if it's a cel you *really* want and you can afford it (I mean actually afford it, not racking up credit card bills, borrowing money or putting yourself in debt) then go for it. Some cels will come back, but many will not.

Also, if someone else thinks you overpaid, but you could afford it and you are really happy with the cel, then it doesn't matter. Even if you did pay more than some people think you should have, what matters is that you love the piece of artwork you spent your money on.

I also think that collecting cels for the purpose of profit is a bit silly. Dealers make money off cels, collectors don't.
If you buy an expensive cel hoping that it will appreciate in value and you can make a killing on might end up severely disappointed.
The cel market changes constantly, what might of been worth tons some time ago might not be worth that much anymore.

Although I will say that excellent cels from say, Studio Ghibli, will never really go far down in price. If you have a centered shot of Nausicaa with Teto with a matching background and/or sketch, that cel will pretty much *always* be worth a lot. But since it's always valuable, when you go to buy won't come cheap.

Also, don't ever buy cels to impress people. What I find most impressive, is people who take the time to find cels they really cherish and love. That's what collecting should really be about. Not for profit or to make yourself look important.

Remember, everyone has their own personal reasons for collecting. You should just find a reason of your own that you can believe in and put some money into doing.

Oh yes, and I also want to say don't be afraid to ASK QUESTIONS.
That's what these forums are all about. If you have any question that you can't find an answer to, I'm sure many of the users here will be glad to help you out. :3
Cidsa's Cels
Feb 02 at 1:33 AM
ah, i don't know if this has already been said but... i have definitely learned (i'll try not to be cheesy):

1. there are other things in life than cels *GASP!* put those first. pay attention to how you spend.

2. always think twice and remain positive. you won't win/get every cel that you want, but always have hope that another is out there. and save your money for when it pops up again! even if it is years later.

3. be as nice to other collectors as possible, when possible. it never fails. and keep in touch. ^_^
Unicorn Gallery
Feb 08 at 11:41 PM
1. Buy your first cel when you must, but don't think quantity over quality (obviously noone is telling you what to buy)-- it's nicer to have a gallery a few jaw dropping cels than to have a gallery comprised of many poor image cels.

2. Cel collecting is not your life, it is a hobby/fanatical hobby at best- keep in touch with reality (or the animals will catch ya) and always remember the characters are cool but they are not real.

3. Be aware that even though you may be a hip young trend setter, alot of collectors are family people, who may own alot of cats, have tiny small children, had post-traumatic experiences, and could just be spending they're money on cels because they have nothing else to do- talk nice to em,' don't talk to them like you would talk to Otto 'I don't give a f**k' the garbage man.

4. When talking to collectors for the first time, be humble, don't send multiple emails asking do you know where and how I can get a cel of this character- all will come in time.

5. Be aware that buying a cel isn't an instant cash crop- cels really don't have aNy fixed price (unless your talking about AKIRA or Stdio Ghibili), and are only worth what you are willing to pay (e.g. DB cels). There is nothing to guarantee that you'll get what you padi back when it comes to selling it- although if the cel you have is genuinely great, then you know you'll get something akin to or greater back ^_-

6. I'm not dictating, but at the same time, I don't really recomend it- don't buy cels from shows you don't like at heart- I used to talk to one collector who would just buy the cels, and had never even seen the show before 'I seen the Key Metal Idol cels after the update, and bought em, and I don't even watch Key the Metal Idol' never bought cels from shows I don't like, and I only like about ten anime shows.

The more you talk to collectors, the more links you have to cels, ie a pen friend in osaka who browses the anime shops every two weeks.
Edited Feb 14 at 11:07 AM
Anime Heado Cel Gallery
Feb 14 at 11:01 AM
Talk nice to the garbage man too.
He's just a working schmoe like the rest of us.
Aernath's Heartthrobs
Feb 14 at 4:42 PM
Hey guys. I'm fairly new to collecting, and i have a few cels already. I was just wondering how most people stored their cels. Should i store it with its sketch, or seperate so they dont stick? In an art-portfolio? Filing cabinet? All help appreciated.

Cheers, Rik
May 20 at 3:53 AM
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