Funniest Anime ever

You know what--jn.. this may sound like I am a just being agreeable (but you know me better than that =), but you are right to some extent-- It must have been that certain episode that I tuned into that certain day (episode 7?) --that was so hilarious and caught me off-guard... enough so that I made this post--- Afterwards,, I kinda regretted this post.. but how can I take it back?!

I did watch a few more episodes... and they went a bit too overboard.. No actually, a lot way-over-board...I tried to hang in there, but I just didn't feel the same interest after a while, I suddenly felt like changing the channel--since it seemed like they were trying too hard to make the audience laugh, and the story never really went anywhere.. I laughed here and there, but the lack of follow through on everything was more distracting than anything else. It was too scattered to make sense, although still fun in places. It was like what the hell did they do to ruin this show? And can I have my fan support back--?! all of a sudden...
Jun 08 at 8:48 PM
I have watching Master of Mosquiton, and Hajime no Go Both have had me laughing as well poor little scenes from Zenki.
KageNeko's Frozen seconds
Jul 21 at 11:51 PM
Mahou Tsukai Tai has the be the funniest show ever created. Sea sitting on a bar pracicing the correct way to fly in the middle of gym class, how can anyone forget that. Or the countless scenes with Aburatsubo and his actions toward Takakrua.
Aug 02 at 4:10 PM
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