Have you ever missed out on a cel you really wanted?

I missed out on a cel the other day that I really wanted and I can't stop thinking about It! It was such a cool cel, to make it even worse it went for a lot cheaper than I think it's worth... It's really annoying. I keep trying to make myself feel better about it but whatever I do can't change the fact that i loved that cel and I'm never going to have it!
Edited Jan 02 at 2:22 PM
Jan 02 at 2:22 PM
It happens all the time. The proxy service I use shows the auctions I watched going back several years, and it does hurt to see all the cels I missed out on (especially the ones that went for relatively cheap). However, it is likely that another similar cel will pop up sooner or later - a sequence mate or even the same cel.
Jan 04 at 10:20 AM
That would be nice although I doubt this one will reappear and if it does, I'm pretty sure it will sell for a lot more!

I had to delete it from my watch list so that I don't see it pop up again as a reminder haha.

But yeah, I guess I learnt a valuable lesson - make sure your absolute highest bid IS your absolute highest bid or else you'll only end up beating yourself up over it after!!
Jan 04 at 2:26 PM
Oh this happens to me all the time. I mean all the time. It's really annoying and sad and a friend of mine sadly has to take the brunt of my "wailing" and "lamenting". I've gotten much better letting things go but there's still a cel or two that will get me once or twice a year. The only thing that gets me better is to go back and look at the collection I've amassed for almost two decades now and remind myself how fortunate it was that I do have what I have. Still that won't stop me from wondering where that missed cel went and if I'll ever see it again. This is also true for negotiations that didn't pan out. I have to make peace with it somehow and hope that it will work out the next time for a similar or even the same cel.
Jan 08 at 5:32 PM
Out of interest? What cel was it? :-)
Jan 17 at 10:18 AM
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