anime cons


I listed one large con for each geographic part of the United States. I don't know any large anime cons outside of the US, so my apologies to anyone outside the US who feels slighted by this poll.

The reason I ask is that I have a $200 travel voucher that I need to use by March and I can't think of anywhere I really want to go. I'm leaning towards Otakon just so I can get that "visit Smithsonian" thing checked of my lifetime to-do list. I hopefully plan to hang out with some of you out there (Otakon, not the museum).... and maybe bring some RS stickers or shirts or something?

Of course, if everyone is going to Anime Expo (20-30% of our visitors come from California) then I'll just go there perhaps. I'm not a big fan of anime cons. I would like to meet some site members to attach some faces to names.

Too bad Dell doesn't take airline vouchers as payment. I would also like to request that they take Kool-Aid Kid's Club points, as I'm almost certain that I have a few thousand of those lying around somewhere still.

Don't mind me, it's the medication kicking in. (I'm a bit sick.) Server's up. Back to bed I go.

Plastic Future
Jan 07 at 3:03 PM
So exactly where are these cons again? I'm sure someone out there will roll their eyes at me for asking but...well, doesn't hurt to ask does it? I've only been to one anime con, by the way.

I think if they took your airline voucher, Kool-Aid Kid's Club points and the 250 Snapple caps I collected (to find out the only thing left on the website I could get was a sheet set, definitely should have started drinking those bottles earlier!) things would definitely be a lot easier.

Flipyon's Cel Gallery
Jan 07 at 11:48 PM
i myself am definately going to otakon, and hopefully in costume :).

kool-aid kid's club points? man that brings me back, except i was one of four kids, so getting the points off the little pack was like scrounging for fresh meat in a hungry lion's den ;).

hope you feel better soon.
aurora borealis
Jan 08 at 1:10 AM
Jason!!!! Please come to Otakon! I'd love to meet you in person! It would be wonderful to put an actual human with the text :)

I live in Michigan - and even though I loved AnimeExpo the one time I went, I can't trek across the country again like that. Otakon is the only con I'm likely to attend this year. Do it for me! DO IT FOR ME!!!

(ok.. i'm being selfish.. xP)

(p.s Flippy: Otakon is in Baltimore MD. AnimeExpo is in Long Beach, CA. They are the 2 largest conventions in the country. I think AnimeNorth is the largest con in the middle. ... not sure though. There is always the cons in Texas which get a lot of folks. Either way - the biggest are the first 2 ^^. Expo tends to get a lot of the Japanese guests since it's a lot closer to Japan, among other things). I think you should go to Otakon too :)

So far the poll has both cons tied. *bites fingernails*
Golden Dawn
Jan 08 at 2:35 AM
Otakon. We had a cel meeting in 2001, but if there was one this year I missed it.
Melissa's Cel Gallery
Jan 08 at 10:45 AM
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