More than meets the eye

I was sure to point out the difference to my folks, but my grandparents still managed to buy me and my brother a few Go-bots. I had Leader One, and I think he had Cy-kill or whatever that guy was named. We didn't want to be rude, so we tried to enjoy them and let them blend in with the other Transformers, GIJoe, and He-man figures.

I have my G1 Jetfire sitting on my desk as I type this. I believe my grandparents gave it to me around 1986 or so.

So I really couldn't blame them for a few lapses in judgement. ^-^

BTW- I'm female, but I was a tomboy growing up. My sister had Barbies, but they just couldn't compare to a transforming cassete player, rolling thunder, or Stinkor.
Black Mirror
Dec 28 at 9:08 PM
My G1 Jetfire is missing his left arm. It broke off fairly early in his life. I used to pretend that it was battle damage. One of his landing gear springs is not in top shape either.

I can't name a single Gobot, but I can name like fifty Transformers. I collected the comics for years, rented all the tapes (Betamax, baby!) from the video store, and asked for Transformers every year for Christmas for at least 3 or 4 years.

Have you seen the crappy Transformers toys they have now? Sure, the winshields might not break off anymore, but they have like two moving parts. Going to a toy store two weeks ago was depressing. All the action figures suck. (Come on, you can't tell me kids still like Power Rangers. Kids aren't stupid.) No one sells realistic looking toy guns anymore. Video games are killing real toys, and even as a computer programmer I think that's sad.

Playing a superhero video game will never, ever compare to making up your own game where GI Joe fights Spiderman, Megatron, and a pile of dominos. In my games, Jetfire was always the guardian of Matchbox City... right up until he gets his left arm blown off.
Plastic Future
Dec 31 at 12:38 AM
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