The Matrix Revolutions

Me-- yes still die hard Matrix fan... so..
I got my ticket for the world wide opening nite screening ... I am ready to sit back and have a GREAT time. I have a strong feeling it's going to rock the house--- most definitely -- see all you nay-sayers later! Yippee! :-)
Nov 03 at 3:55 AM
Are you still living in Japan? Does it open worldwide on the same day or something?
Plastic Future
Nov 03 at 3:22 PM
Yes!, World-wide.. I have to see it (well, not have to but..) at 11:00 PM on Wednesday nite o-0' with work the next day.. Gotta get up at 6:00 AM..
I figure though, that if it's a bust I will catch some zz's during... and after :-)
If its a least good, I'll choke down some coffee and catch some sleep at lunch.
Nov 04 at 3:14 AM
Your young enough: just sleep quick and crash hard after work. Oh and put in lots of suger in your coffee. Nothing like a good suger high to get you through the day.
Catgirls, Beauties & Other Cels
Nov 04 at 1:05 PM
*Revolutions* R-O-C-K-E-D!! It is something completely unexpected... amazing... unforgiving...

I will have lots of coffee today.. with NO sugar.. I won't need it :-) I'll be high all day anyway.. but thanks!
Nov 05 at 10:41 AM
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