that's a lot of anime


It came up in conversation today that I had to watch a whole boatload of anime to be able to make up a good list of suggestions for a non-anime person to watch.

Then, I wondered, just *how* much anime that is. I looked through a list of just TV and OVA episodes to start counting episodes. I didn't count movies -- only seen maybe two dozen anyway, of which a quarter are Lupin TV specials -- because those weren't on the list.

I came up with an estimate of somewhere around 1800 episodes worth of stuff. I only looked at a list of anime from the past 4 or 5 years so I added like 200 to my total (1600ish) to make up for it.

Now that I think about it, Orange Road (1987?) is +48 (TV) and +7 or +8 (OVA) by itself, so maybe +200 is too conservative.

I'm curious, how many people are solidly in the 2000+ catagory? I know there's gotta be a few, because some of you have cels from shows I haven't heard of, much less seen.
Plastic Future
Nov 02 at 2:42 AM
I clicked on the 2000 one... I think I am somewhere in the 2200 mark.

I didn't even think people watched much of MOR (orange road), but I stand corrected.

But then again, I don't usually watch just 1 episode at a time. I usually sit myself down and watch the whole series... even the ones that are like like +60... ya the next few days afterward suck tho. It's like why did I do that... I hate anime!!!! =) Actually... stuff like that is prolly better to do with a group of people, cause then you get all stupid and start acting it out (some alcohol might have been involved).

Stuff that is like 26 eps are very easy to sit through... it's like 8.5 hrs or so. Just do it on a day off.
Nov 03 at 5:19 PM
My anime club actually did a marathon of KOR - saw almost all of it except for a few episodes missed when was at a con. Then we did a Maisson Ikkoku marathon, etc.

For the past couple of years (since 2000), I have been helping schedule 2 video rooms for an anime con - so I have seen an obscene amount of anime even if aometimes it was just one episode of it. Had to screen all them to categorize, rate quality, look for naughty bits or language or violence, etc.
Melissa's Cel Gallery
Nov 03 at 11:19 PM
I have to be pushing the 2000+ mark. I own over 40 differnt titles between DVD and VHS. I have the entire Robotech series on DVD it takes up it's own shelf. Add 2 Ranma box sets and the complete Love Hina. If you look at my site I have seen all except 12 of the series listed there. I think I need a life or some thing close to it. Oh well there is not much to do here when the snow flies and the wind blowes.
Catgirls, Beauties & Other Cels
Nov 04 at 3:18 AM
Ya, I need to start owning stuff on dvd... it's sad that I don't own a single anime thing on dvd... everything is like burned to a cd-r or dvd-r.

Bah, typos... KOR... blast that M.

Ya, I was gunna do like a marathon night thingy with just anime movies, but like the Grand P I have maybe seen like 2 dozen or so, but from all different series.
Nov 04 at 12:10 PM
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