Forum Post Problem

I think certain punctuation marks in the title of a forum post cause it to “disappear” into Error-land and send you to the front page when you click on it. Horizontal dash seems to work, but only if not separated by spaces; one exclamation point is OK, but not two -- no question marks allowed, no colons, no + signs. If you check the new spamtastic golf posts, you can see this holds true for them, too.

It doesn't seem to be the case with older threads, though. The Silverhawks post from last year still works, even with a question mark in the title.
Edited Feb 24 at 5:35 PM
To Protect to the End
Feb 24 at 5:04 PM
Yeah, I wonder if there's a bot set up to try to weed out the spam posts, since this whole forum problem thing started after we got a rush of spam a while back.
klet's Island of Misfit Cels
Feb 25 at 8:43 PM
I cant seem to make a new thread either. Idk what's going on.
Eric's Gallery
Jul 15 at 1:49 PM
Don't use any punctuation or symbols at all (not even parentheses), and see if that works.
Black Mirror
Jul 15 at 2:00 PM
What browser do you recommend? I am using chrome right now. Also shemp is there any way you can read my new thread I made? I need some help regarding buying my first cel.
Eric's Gallery
Jul 15 at 2:11 PM
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