Feedback not going through?

I haven't been here when RS migrated and I'm sorry if this has been discussed already but feedback doesn't seem to work?
No messages go through, I've heard this from several people now.

I tested it myself and I never got my own test message either.

Is there some sort of procedure I have to follow that I missed?
Or are more people experiencing this problem?
Royal Crimson
May 26 at 5:05 AM
I am too. :/
Crystal Temple
May 26 at 6:22 AM
Good to know XD
Royal Crimson
May 26 at 6:37 AM
I'm still getting spam on my slug feedback though. LOL! >_
Gold Knight
Gold Knight's Cel Gallery
May 26 at 3:10 PM
At least you're getting something :D

I tried persuading myself into selling me my Naruto sketches but even that didn't come through!
Royal Crimson
May 26 at 3:19 PM
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