Poll: New Rubberslug is live! What's next?

Now that the new version of Rubberslug is live, what would you most like to see worked on first?

Gallery (tag support, filter options,etc)
Market (transactions, streamline uploading, etc.)
Forum (better formatting, filtering)
Search (restoration/improvement of other search methods)
Other Community Features (chat, blog, other gallery modules)
Stability (page speed, bandwidth reduction)
Something Else (tell us in the forum!)
Awesome! Thank you for the tip! Worked beautifully!

Yay! (ノ≧∀)ノ

PS: My cels are already showing up on Google JP image search - Thanks again!
Edited Jun 29 at 4:53 AM
La Andromeda Promethium Cel Gallery
Jun 28 at 4:42 PM
I know everyone's busy but any news on deleting listings? I really want to empty my trash. Then it'll stop annoying me and hopefully help with the server space as well. (not that it would do that much but every little bit helps) ^_^
Cel Envy
Jul 24 at 11:56 PM
I think the live chat should Improve
and, we should open up a discord server :D
essdee's cels
Feb 09 at 2:53 PM

1) A search across all RS wish lists for particular series?
2) Add users or they could themselves to a notification list.
3) Remove and/or deactivate (so we can basically hide) any and/or all of the following sections in a users gallery?
a) photo album,
b) links,
c) private area,
d) news,
e) about
4) Support request for deleting sold items from shop.
5) Enforcement of sold cels in member galleries. 6) Ability to view all of a members forum posts.
7) Stability. RS goes down a lot.
8) Revamp of site so it is good on mobile platforms.

Definitely appreciate all the hard work you put into maintaining RS Jason. Always open and willing to help out in anyway! Feel free to message, same goes to mods. Thanks to all! =)
M O M O's cels
May 14 at 1:50 PM
The "Feature Image" setting has not worked since I opened my page back in November.
Edited Dec 14 at 2:54 PM
Dec 14 at 2:50 PM
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