Expanded gallery update page

This suggestion grows from my own myopic and selfish observations;

With the sheer numbers of RS galleries now here on balance, it has become increasingly obvious, to me anyway, that updates many times are coming in and out at such a rate that is hard to keep up with.

I remember a while back jn changed and expanded the update page to accomodate growth, but that was some several hundred galleries ago, and another expansion in this area is probably needed.

Just in the past, "less than" 24 hour period, I have seen my own update disappear--already--into thin air ^-^

Now that I notice it happening to me, that is, my "long awaited"(I was the only one waiting btw) update being squeezed off-post in record time. I think, "Wow that was fast!" (-See first sentence of this page.)

I am not really complaining. It is no bigge', but perhaps in retrospect, a second page or more for gallery updates should be added or listed out besides the 10 available places.

For all normal readers please STOP READING---

For more daring and bored types continue ;-)

Weird science (please skip, if low tolerance to bs):

If you think about it, 10 update places for over 500+ open galleries is less than 2% possible "show" spaces availabilty at any given time.

Of course hypothetically, not everyone would update in the same 24 hour period, but even if everyone waited sequencially to update every 24 hours by the "tens"- everyday - and "stood in line" (10 per 24 hours/ 500+ galleries); It would take almost 2 months to get through all of the sites and each site would have only a 24 hour "window of notice" or looky-here time..at best. But of course, this (anal and most likely overly simplistic example) all gets skewed when the variables of collecting rates per poster get thrown in along with other more common sense reasoning used. But, let me bore you some more ^-^

Some people range to having a very "healthy"(whatever) collecting habit, to border-line-maniac, and even to full-blown addict appetite for collecting cels... and updating them. While of course conversly, some collectors update rarely (some no t at all anymore). However, they should also be taken into the BIG picture of numbers.

Put into a blender and the results might (possibly) be that the low rate or periodic posters/updaters would have largely gone unnoticed in "the sea of cels" that get posted everyday; like the coming and going of the tide,...in, in the morning and out in the evening. The updates are starting to feel more like a one-time pop-up ads, then a notices of new cels to be viewed. Am I whining? Okay but..

It gets even worse if you can rationalize that collectors that collect dozens of cels at a time hold back their updates a cel at a time to insure that they "keep a place" on the update page so they do not end up with recent "departees". This would mean that the same update, that could have been done at once, gets stretched out over time instead; for fear of being lost in the shuffle. Which means instead of ten actual update slots, those could get reduced to nine or less, on a revolving-declining basis, especially if more like-minded cel collectors get involved. The ratio of spaces availble to update in would become limited by default.

Can anyone understand a damn word of this? o-O?

Sorry, I am just killing time at work ^-^

Jul 15 at 8:36 PM
Damn you beat me to it. I was gonna ask the same. Im not usualy on during the day, but I did manage some time today. I noticed a whole wad of updates. By the time I get on at night I am assuming at least a good half of those were already replaced with other updates. I dont care about my spot in the sun for a update, but I do wonder which galleries I am missing out on because of all the updates.

I was thinking maybe increase it to 20-25 updates being showed. Or maybe a newsletter type deal. You get a letter of A. all the updates B. only galleries you request to have the updates. If thats even possible? Hm...
Thrance's Cels
Jul 15 at 10:54 PM
I notice the same thing too. I too feel like I don't get my 'time in the sun' so to speak. Now that I've slowed down on collecting, I get fewer and fewer updates. When I occasionally update, I'm on the 'updated' list for a couple hours before I'm replaced. @_@

It sucks to miss those other galleries' updates that I seem to miss all the time.

No offense to those who update EVERYDAY, but the less- frequent people need their basking time too. Therefore, I agree with Thrance with increasing the amount of 'featured updates' on the main page. Though, maybe not as many as 25, perhaps 10?
Rheytarian's Anime Alcove
Jul 17 at 6:37 PM
I should be more clear, I meant the galleries link, that page only shows 10, those galleries sometimes vanish very fast with all the updates. Thats what I meant by making it 20 or so Rheytarian. Not the featured gallery updates on the main page, though a increase in that would be nice too!
Thrance's Cels
Jul 18 at 12:22 AM
Ahh, okies. I was picturing in my mind a very long home page, heh. Sure 25 galleries links would be very nice! ^_^
Rheytarian's Anime Alcove
Jul 18 at 9:53 PM
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