Slugfest Contests?

If there's any stuff left over, I wouldn't mind sending you a package.
Cutiebunny's Coven
Jun 28 at 12:04 PM
I don't know if the contest should be trivia about anime because the diversity of the collectors that are gathering. Certain collectors only follow the series they collect from and that can be limiting.

Maybe something to do with the RS site itself or general trivia about Japan or the animation process(we are an animation perservation society afterall).

Perhaps the contest could be more like who can think of the longest anime character name, make the most real words out of an anime title, or some type of restaurant acceptable physical challenge like drawing. If all else fails, a raffle is the most random (and the easiest) method to distribute the loot.
Edited Jun 30 at 2:31 AM
Confused Moogle's Pom-Pom Gallery
Jun 30 at 2:26 AM
Hmm, all very good suggestions. Maybe some combination of a simple raffle combined with a contest that we think up during dinner amongst ourselves. It should be a fairly (?) cozy gathering so everything should turn out just swell.
Plastic Future
Jun 30 at 12:03 PM

@Mahoro: Thanks so much for the offer to send loot... but I've actually been meaning to offload quite a bit of stuff. I think I mostly have toys and figurines. I also have some stuff Roy gave me a little while ago that I've been meaning to distribute amongst the Rubberslug peoples. Good times!
Plastic Future
Jun 30 at 12:04 PM
*cough*Otakon*cough* ^_~
Berserk Hunter
Jun 30 at 6:18 PM
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