Idea For RS Please Look

Thank you!! I think that this would help out a lot. Now we can spend our time on just the updates that we are interested in.

Excellent Job!!

Some Dude
Jul 19 at 1:30 PM
First of all, I have to make the reply button actually put RE: message title into the title bar for you.

But okay, I'll push it back to 24 hours... for now. It's weird.... Sometimes you get a ton of people updating in one day and there's an avalanche of sites on the updated list... and sometimes, like now, there's 3 or 4 people. According to my stats, Tuesday is a really popular day to update your sites. I have no idea why.

As far as the private section update thing goes, I didn't even think about that... I probably should make it work that way. It'll certainly confuse the heck out of people who visit an updated site and see nothing... but technically, it should work the way you proposed.

Plastic Future
Jul 19 at 1:43 PM

Private sections that have been updated now present the user with a puzzling empty list of "update within the last *24* hours".

See "katana's edge"... I *think* think proves that it works, although I didn't bother testing is very extensively myself.

Plastic Future
Jul 19 at 2:10 PM
nICE idea and great results!
Thanks Jason!
Jul 19 at 7:52 PM
Hi hi,
Thank you for changing the privacy ones. I'm sure that other people are greatful as well (they just don't know it yet ^_~)
As for the 24 hours thing.. thanks SO much. I know you say "for now". O.o Maybe you could have like... "updated in the past 12 hours" for the main page, but a new section that says "updated in the past 24 hours" in the galleries listing page. That is.. if you needed to go back to the 12 hour thingy.

Hmm.. tuesday huh? Maybe it's because people order Friday (when they get paid) and then recieve it on tuesday, so they scan it and upload it right away :D

Thanks again.
Golden Dawn
Jul 20 at 12:04 PM
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