Item count for series...

What does everyone prefer? Do you like to show just how many cels are in each section of your gallery or do you prefer to just show the section names only? Just curious.
A Mahoujin Guru Guru Gallery
Mar 09 at 3:19 PM
I show the number of cels, because then people can't complain about my "one-hit wonders." I've heard that it's annoying to see a title you really love, click, and then discover that there is only one cel.

Personally, I like seeing the cel count before clicking on each title. It lets me know what I'm in for.
klet's Island of Misfit Cels
Mar 09 at 3:24 PM
I don't have the item count, as it pushes some longer-named series onto 2 lines rather than 1 and that's the biggest reason to why I dont have it! I'm just a bit weird and like everything to look smart and uniform! ^_^
Ronin's Cel Gallery
Mar 09 at 3:35 PM
I have the item count turned on for mine.

I like seeing cel galleries with the item count feature turned on because it gives a lot of information for me as to what type of collector they are. It tells me at a quick glance what shows they concentrate on and what GENRE of anime they center around too.

It's handy for me to find out all that without having to click links. It's also nice for me to watch the item number grow as the collector adds more things. ^_^
Mar 09 at 8:13 PM
I have always considered this a very odd feature, and have wondered why anyone would use it. It helps me when uploading something very large like storyboards or settei, to see if I have missed anything by the count. But this is used internally, not on public display.

If the number is high, that does not guarantee that the cels or sketches will all be worth looking at and if it is low, that does not mean they are uninteresting. Ask Fullmetal Alchemist fans if my two images are not worth their perusal. I can understand wanting to know what types of cels are collected, but this is much more accurately determined by the names of the series than measurement of quantity of items from each one.

At any rate, I state on my front page that the majority of my collection comes from three series, and I think that gives more information than: BLEACH ? Layouts and Backgrounds (42), BLEACH ? Reproduction Cels(12), InuYasha ? InuYasha(43), InuYasha ? Swordplay(27), Rurouni Kenshin ?Kenshin (27), Rurouni Kenshin ? Kenshingumi, Friends and Family (24) and on and on.

I don?t view the numbers as barometer of a collection?s worthiness when I visit other sites. I think that would have caused me to miss out on seeing many lovely and interesting images. Most definitely some of which were [i]single images[/i] from a series, not usually collected by the curator, that were special enough to warrant being added to his or her collection.
Edited Mar 11 at 4:17 AM
To Protect to the End
Mar 11 at 4:10 AM
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