
I'll look at the updates for a bit this week. It might take a while to change this, but I guess I should since the update thing is apparently filled with garbage updates and it's becoming largely irrelevant. There's two possible policies that I could code:

1) Only NEWS triggers updates.
2) Only NEW CELS triggers updates.

I'm going for (2). If you have another update policy in mind, lemme know.

As far as people who post nothing but junk, I can't really prevent that unless I don't give a spotlight to any updated galleries at all. I think the good outweighs the bad on this one.

I actually liked the "One-Cel Gallery". I laughed. I can't find it anymore. Don't forget the lovable "k0mpress0r" and the lovely pictures of his Pounk High School prom in what appears to be the school gymnasium. Off-topic can be funny as a one-time joke (whether or not the comedy is intentional). I'm sure I'll have to find a way to lock these down eventually too.

I have an offtopic gallery too, actually, but that's a secret.

Plastic Future
Nov 03 at 11:58 PM
Er... that went faster than I thought. It turns out that this particular piece of the website was written a lot better than I thought I wrote it. Did anything else besides "new cel" and "edited cel" trigger an update that I'm not aware of?

Plastic Future
Nov 04 at 12:14 AM
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