Need Help With Posting Thumbs


I have question about the thumbnail feature. Normally when I upload a cel I click the button that says thumbnail and by magic a thumbnail appears. Today when I tried this I did not get a large image and a thumbnail but two large images... I clicked on the thumbnail coverter button several times and nothing happened? Am I doing something wrong or is this a "bug"??


Cel Addict
cel addict
Oct 30 at 12:59 AM
As far as I know, there's only one requirement for the images for this to work right. They must be JPGs. If you uploaded a gif or something, this probably won't work at all or will have some sort of weird or unpredictable results.

Why are GIFs so difficult to deal with?

you're uploading jpgs, then I have no idea why this is messing up. Is anyone else getting this problem?

Plastic Future
Oct 30 at 11:34 AM

Yeah Al the images are Jpgs. I tried the thumbnail this morning and it seems to be working fine now.....?????..Thanks.

-Cel Addict
cel addict
Oct 30 at 8:49 PM
Let me know if it misbehaves again, and on which cel it misbehaves. Our upload directory is full of aborted/misdirected uploads and I have a feeling that some bug in the image sizing module may have some sort of bug in it. (This one is not my fault, I didn't program that part...)

Thanks again. Hope everything works out for you.

Plastic Future
Oct 30 at 10:03 PM
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