Background Comission

I would like to see about getting a background painted to match my new cel:

as I have no experience in this area, does anyone know someone who would paint me one from a screen capture?
Cyphr's Cels
Oct 30 at 2:34 AM
Have you tried Moonshine Cels I've seen a gallery with some backgrounds done by them and they are really good.
Edited Oct 30 at 9:25 AM
Oct 30 at 9:25 AM
Better than that Cyphr, I've seen someone with the original BG with his setup and I'm sure that if asked nicely, he'd make a copy for you. Can't remember who has it off the top of my head but I know it's been displayed somewhere... sorry I'm notbeing much help. If I remember I'll let you know.
I just spent the last 30mins going through my Akira/anime links to try and find the image/owner but couldn't. It's possible that it's now offline, I hope not...
Edited Nov 01 at 10:46 AM
BlueBlade Anime Art
Nov 01 at 10:45 AM
Instead of paying somebody to make you 1 why don't you make 1 yourself?

I just did! In about an hour and a half without any artistic skills :o
All you need is Adobe Photoshop, the DVD and a PC with DVD software that can make screengrabs.

I just wrote a small tutorial...
Nov 12 at 9:11 AM
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