world of warcraft?

Anyone else out there playing World of Warcraft? I recall someone here saying they got into the closed beta a while ago. Unfortunately, I got in last week too.

Why unfortunate? Well, it's been sucking a few hours of my free time on a daily basis since then. Blech. Back to work. =/

I'm on Beta 2, with an undead mage named Motive if anyone else is playing.
Plastic Future
Sep 27 at 9:28 AM
Bah, the world can have their WoW. I'm happily chugging away in Saga of Ryzom, a game composed mostly if not entirely from ex Uru players...and of course, Uru: Ages Beyond Myst being the BEST MMORPG EVER CREATED!!! WHY UBISOFT, WHY DID YOU KILL OUR WORLD AND FORSAKE US ALL!!!


Between that whole "incident," and BMX XXX, the gaming world has really been testing my faith as of late...
Edited Sep 27 at 11:58 AM
The Startyde
Sep 27 at 11:26 AM
Pssh, Myst is a screensaver.

I could never figure out how to get out of newbie land in Ryzom. I tried, I really did, but I could never finish whatever starter quest I had. Maybe I wasn't reading it right or something.

WoW plays very much like EQ with all the annoying parts taken out. No death penalty, travel is never *too* tediously long, quests work as intended, classes are all universally fun to play, etc. They'll make a whole ton of money when it comes out and destroy EQ2. I probably won't be playing though.... these games take way too much free time. Besides, fixing site bugs is a **waaay** better use of time, right? =p
Plastic Future
Sep 27 at 11:46 PM

I'm in the beta as well, but on the original beta server. I'm also an alliance priest so we wouldn't be able to chat anyway. :p

I played EQ for a long time, and didn't really plan to play another game, but I've been happily wasting away in WoW for many months now. I've been too busy as of late to play much, but it's a pretty fantastic game.
A Little Cel Remedy
Sep 29 at 11:56 AM
Now I'm a 34ish mage. I'm going to stop playing and get back to working on this web site. It's a really well-made game from a certain perspective but the whole genre of MMRPGs in general is just a flawed game concept. It's just impossible to make enough fun content to suit everyone. The idea that it's possible to burn through 50% of the game world content in a week is a little troubling as well.
Plastic Future
Oct 04 at 1:27 AM
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