Don't You Hate It When This Happens?!

Have you ever bought a cel that was a little pricy, but you really really REALLY wanted it, so you buy it...then you find another one just like it from the same sequence a few weeks later on another site for half the price!?!

Yeah...that just burns me...

But, sometimes there is just no way to predict these things.
So has this or something similar happened to anyone else?
Bubblegum Re-Chewed
Aug 19 at 7:00 PM to buy A1 End cels to avoid just this sorta thing :)
The Startyde
Aug 19 at 9:47 PM
i bought a cel of hisoka getting his butt kicked by kurapica from Hunter X Hunter recently from anime museum, i thought that it was an A1 END cel so i jumped on it. well, when i got it it turned out to be an A9 END cel, and the next update they had uploaded the rest of the sequence for the same price, but then had a sale and the rest of the sequence went for $25-30 less than what i paid for mine. but oh, well, it happens ^_^.
aurora borealis
Aug 20 at 12:26 PM
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