Storing cels in celbooks?

Hi. I don't know if this is a silly question or not, but here it is anyways. I just bought some ITOYA celbooks, and inside the pages there are black insert papers.

My question is, do you leave the cels in the cel bags, then put them in the book? or do you just put in the cel without the bag right against the black paper?

My concern is that overtime the cel will stick to the black paper...and that wouldn't be good at all.
So, what is the proper way of storing cels in the celbooks?

Please help...Thank You!!! :-)
Bubblegum Re-Chewed
Aug 16 at 4:43 PM
I keep mine in their cel bags. I only ever take them out of their bags to scan em.

I have heard of people putting a small hole in the corner of the cel bag (to allow them to breathe or something) but thats not something I have ever done myself.
Aug 16 at 4:51 PM
You should keep your cels in celbags as mentioned. I leave the black sheets in, but when your celbook begins to get fat, you may need to remove a few of those sheets. An obese celbook is not good as it puts too much pressure towards the book's binding, thus squeezing your cels.
Rheytarian's Anime Alcove
Aug 16 at 7:17 PM
And the reason for keeping your cels "airy" by cutting a corner out or leaving the cel bag open at the top is to decrease the amount of oxidation that builds up from the cel paint on acetate, especially in humid areas.

I live in Japan, where it is very humid during the summer time. I usually keep my cels in their bags, but I leave one end open. I have even resorted to buying a de-humidifier to suck out the moisture in the air for both my family and my cels. I hate to feel sticky all of the time. On the other hand, if it is too dry you may want to close off your cels to exposure, so your paint doesn't become brittle to the point of cracking. A good rule of thumb is that if you feel okay, your cels will too. Also use polypro. bags and not those cheap bags that seal at the top like gum tape (mylar bags are not good for your cels).
Edited Aug 17 at 7:14 PM
Aug 17 at 7:12 PM
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