Background gallery now available

Jason, thanks for the great advice! Using batch processing really sped things up (though I had to set up a couple of different processes to save the more complex images at lower qualities so the file sizes wouldn't be too big).

Anyway, I resized the images to a height of 1750 pixels with slightly variable widths, and at JPG qualities between 50% and 65%. I hope that's okay, because I've already uploaded them :)
The Lonely Mountain
Aug 07 at 4:47 AM
seaira has added a background to her new hisoka cel:

is happy. ^_^
aurora borealis
Aug 07 at 9:29 PM
Background gallery got a bit of an upgrade. Dimensions and file size are listed as part of the background info now. These bits of data are harvested automatically from whatever you upload.

Also, of note to printers, clicking on the thumbnails for details (hey, that rhymes!) will also show expected printed output sizes at 200dpi and 300 dpi in both inches and centimeters for our metric-oriented friends.

Still to do: allow editing of already-uploaded backgrounds and provide links back to galleries for those who upload. Oh, and paging feature for uploaded backgrounds. We're starting to get an awful lot of them.
Edited Aug 18 at 8:54 PM
Plastic Future
Aug 18 at 8:50 PM
Can we get a counter on these to see how many, if any, times they are downloaded? It is also neat to see which cels people use the backgrounds for.
So if you use 'em, please post!
Gallery of the Cel Hunter
Sep 08 at 2:31 PM
A counter would probably not have much bearing on what's actually being used. I'd have to count everyone who just clicks on something to download it. Seeing the final products would be more preferable.

On a side note, the background gallery has paging added to it. There's 18 items per page. If you'd prefer more per page, please let me know.
Edited Sep 16 at 5:44 PM
Plastic Future
Sep 16 at 5:43 PM
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